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Which two statements about IKE version 2 fragmentation are true? (Choose two.)
In IKE version 2, not all packets are fragmentable. Only certain messages within the IKE negotiation process can be fragmented. Additionally, there is a limit to the number of fragments that IKE version 2 can handle, which is 128. This is specified in the Fortinet documentation and ensures that the IKE negotiation process can proceed even in networks that have issues with large packets. The reassembly timeout and the layer at which fragmentation occurs are not specified in this context within Fortinet documentation.
Refer to the exhibit, which contains a partial policy configuration.
Which setting must you configure to allow SSH?
Option D is incorrect because selecting an application control profile corresponding to SSH in the Security Profiles section is not enough to allow SSH. The Security Profiles section allows you to apply various security features to the traffic, such as antivirus, web filtering, IPS, etc. However, this section does not override the Service field, which still needs to match the traffic type.Reference: =
An administrator is configuring two FortiGate devices in an HA cluster. While configuring the devices, the administrator issues the following commands on both HA cluster members:
In which two ways do these commands impact the HA cluster? (Choose two.)
Which, three conditions are required for two FortiGate devices to form an OSPF adjacency? (Choose three.)