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Which method is the most secure way of delivering FortiToken data once the token has been seeded?
Online activation of the tokens through the FortiGuard network is the most secure way of delivering FortiToken data once the token has been seeded because it eliminates the risk of seed files being compromised during transit or storage. The other methods involve physical or manual delivery of seed files which can be intercepted, lost, or stolen. Reference:
Which two statements about the self-service portal are true? (Choose two)
Two statements about the self-service portal are true:
Self-registration information can be sent to the user through email or SMS using the notification templates feature. This feature allows administrators to customize the messages that are sent to users when they register or perform other actions on the self-service portal.
Realms can be used to configure which self-registered users or groups can authenticate on the network using the realm-based authentication feature. This feature allows administrators to apply different authentication policies and settings to different groups of users based on their realm membership.
A system administrator wants to integrate FortiAuthenticator with an existing identity management system with the goal of authenticating and deauthenticating users into FSSO.
What feature does FortiAuthenticator offer for this type of integration?
REST API is a feature that allows FortiAuthenticator to integrate with an existing identity management system with the goal of authenticating and deauthenticating users into FSSO. REST API stands for Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface, which is a method of exchanging data between different systems using HTTP requests and responses. FortiAuthenticator provides a REST API that can be used by external systems to perform various actions, such as creating, updating, deleting, or querying users and groups, or sending FSSO logon or logoff events.
How can a SAML metada file be used?
A SAML metadata file can be used to import the required IDP configuration for SAML service provider mode. A SAML metadata file is an XML file that contains information about the identity provider (IDP) and the service provider (SP), such as their entity IDs, endpoints, certificates, and attributes. By importing a SAML metadata file from the IDP, FortiAuthenticator can automatically configure the necessary settings for SAML service provider mode.
An administrator wants to keep local CA cryptographic keys stored in a central location.
Which FortiAuthenticator feature would provide this functionality?
Network HSM is a feature that allows FortiAuthenticator to keep local CA cryptographic keys stored in a central location. HSM stands for Hardware Security Module, which is a physical device that provides secure storage and generation of cryptographic keys. Network HSM allows FortiAuthenticator to use an external HSM device to store and manage the private keys of its local CAs, instead of storing them locally on the FortiAuthenticator device.