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Which configuration setting for FortiGate is part of a device-level database on FortiManager?
The FortiManager stores the FortiGate configuration details in two distinct databases. The device-level database includes configuration details related to device-level settings, such as interfaces, DNS, routing, and more. The ADOM-level database includes configuration details related to firewall policies, objects, and security profiles.
View the following exhibit:
How will FortiManager try to get updates for antivirus and IPS?
Which two statements about Security Fabric integration with FortiManager are true? (Choose two.)
An administrator has enabled Service Access on FortiManager. What is the purpose of Service Access on the FortiManager interface?
Enabling Service Access on FortiManager can include settings that allow it to act as a proxy or intermediary for FortiGuard services to managed FortiGate devices. This is particularly useful in network architectures where direct communication from FortiGate devices to FortiGuard servers is restricted or not possible.
Refer to the exhibit.
Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, what can you conclude from the installation targets m the Install On column? (Choose two)