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If the primary FortiAnalyzer in an HA cluster fails, how is the new primary elected?
In the case of a primary device failure, FortiAnalyzer HA uses the following rules to select a new primary:
* All cluster devices are assigned a priority from 80 to 120. The default priority is 100. If the primary device
becomes unavailable, the device with the highest priority is selected as the new primary device. For
example, a device with a priority of 110 is selected over a device with a priority of 100.
* If multiple devices have the same priority, the device whose primary IP address has the greatest value is
selected as the new primary device. For example, is selected over
* If a new device with a higher priority or a greater value IP address joins the cluster, the new device does
not replace (or pre-empt) the current primary device automatically.
FortiAnalyzer_7.0_Study_Guide-Online page 62
Refer to the exhibit.
Which statement is correct regarding the event displayed?
Events in FortiAnalyzer will be in one of four statuses. The current status will determine if more actions need to be taken by the security team or not.
The possible statuses are:
Unhandled: The security event risk is not mitigated or contained, so it is considered open.
Contained: The risk source is isolated.
Mitigated: The security risk is mitigated by being blocked or dropped.
(Blank): Other scenarios.
FortiAnalyzer_7.0_Study_Guide-Online pag. 206
A play book contains five tasks in total. An administrator executed the playbook and four out of five tasks finished successfully, but one task failed. What will be the status of the playbook after its execution?
Playbook jobs that include one or more failed tasks are labeled as Failed in Playbook Monitor. FortiAnalyzer_7.0_Study Guide page No: 247
Playbook jobs that include one or more failed tasks are labeled as Failed in Playbook Monitor. A failed status, however, does not mean that all tasks failed. Some individual actions may have been completed successfully.
An administrator has moved FortiGate A from the root ADOM to ADOM1.
Which two statements are true regarding logs? (Choose two.)