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Which two statements about the FortiCloud portal are true? (Choose two.)
Remote Access to FortiGate VM:
The FortiCloud portal allows users to remotely access their FortiGate VM instances. This is particularly useful for managing and configuring instances without needing direct network access (Option A).
FortiFlex Portal Access:
The FortiFlex portal is a feature that becomes available only after purchasing a FortiFlex license and registering it on FortiCare. This portal provides additional functionalities and services related to FortiFlex (Option C).
IAM Permissions:
Option B is incorrect because the Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions in the FortiCloud portal do not require writing JSON scripts; they can be managed through the portal interface.
Subscription to Cloud Services:
Option D is incorrect because FortiCloud provides access to services beyond those subscribed through the AWS marketplace, including services directly offered by Fortinet.
FortiCloud Documentation: FortiCloud
FortiFlex Portal: FortiFlex Licensing
Refer to the exhibit.
Which two statements are correct about traffic flow in FortiWeb Cloud? (Choose two.)
DNS Configuration:
For FortiWeb Cloud to effectively protect web applications, the DNS records for the application servers must be configured to point to FortiWeb Cloud. This ensures that all incoming traffic is routed through FortiWeb Cloud for inspection and protection (Option A).
Traffic Filtering:
FortiWeb Cloud provides robust protection by filtering incoming traffic to block the OWASP Top 10 attacks, zero-day threats, and other application layer attacks. This ensures the security and integrity of the web applications it protects (Option B).
Other Options Analysis:
Option C is incorrect because FortiWeb Cloud can protect application servers across different VPCs or regions, not just within the same VPC.
Option D is incorrect because step 2 does not require an AWS S3 bucket; it refers to the inspection and filtering of incoming traffic.
FortiWeb Cloud Overview: FortiWeb Cloud
An administrator wants to deploy a solution to automatically create firewall rules on FortiGate to accelerate time-to-protection for threats.
Which AWS service can be integrated with FortiGate to accomplish this?
AWS GuardDuty Integration:
AWS GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect AWS accounts and workloads. It can generate findings that can be used to create or update firewall rules automatically in FortiGate to enhance security and provide timely protection (Option D).
Integration with FortiGate:
GuardDuty findings can be integrated with FortiGate using automation tools and scripts to create firewall rules dynamically, thereby accelerating the time-to-protection against emerging threats.
Other Options Analysis:
Option A (AWS Firewall Manager) is more suited for managing rules across multiple accounts but not for dynamic threat response.
Option B (AWS Network ACL) provides stateless filtering but does not offer automated rule creation.
Option C (SDN Connector for AWS) helps in integrating SDN capabilities but is not specifically focused on threat-based rule automation.
FortiGate Integration: Fortinet Integration
Refer to the exhibit.
Traffic is initiated from the EC2 instance and is destined for the internet.
Which traffic flow is correct?
Understanding the Architecture:
The architecture includes an EC2 instance in a private subnet, a Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint (GWLBe), a NAT Gateway (NAT GW), and an Internet Gateway (IGW).
Route Tables and Routing:
The private route table for the subnet containing the EC2 instance has a route pointing to the GWLBe for internet-bound traffic.
The public route table for the subnet containing the NAT Gateway has routes to the IGW.
Traffic Flow Analysis:
Traffic initiated from the EC2 instance destined for the internet will first be routed to the GWLBe as per the private route table.
The GWLBe will forward the traffic to the NAT Gateway.
The NAT Gateway will then route the traffic to the IGW, which finally sends the traffic to the internet.
Comparison with Other Options:
Option A suggests direct routing to the NAT GW from the EC2 instance, which is incorrect.
Option B incorrectly states there is no route to the internet in the private route table.
Option D suggests direct routing from GWLBe to the internet, which is not the case.
An organization has created a VPC with two subnets and deployed a FortiGate-VM (VM04/c4.xlarge) in AWS.
The EC2 instance is initially configured with two Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs). The primary ENI is configured on the public subnet, and the secondary ENI is configured on the private subnet. To provide internet access for the FortiGate-VM, they now want to associate an EIP to its primary ENI, but the assignment is failing.
Which action would allow the EIP assignment to be successful?
Internet Gateway Requirement:
For an Elastic IP (EIP) to be assigned to an instance's primary ENI, the VPC must have an Internet Gateway (IGW) attached. The IGW enables the VPC to communicate with the internet, allowing the EIP to function properly (Option C).
Process of Assigning EIP:
Once the Internet Gateway is attached to the VPC, the EIP can be successfully assigned to the primary ENI of the FortiGate VM, providing it with internet access.
Other Options Analysis:
Option A is incorrect because the primary ENI is already in a public subnet.
Option B is not necessary and may not solve the issue without an attached Internet Gateway.
Option D is partially correct about the routing table but does not address the primary issue of needing an Internet Gateway.