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An advertiser recently ran a month-long campaign on a new media platform. This campaign targeted customers who had purchased from the advertiser in the past year. Of the 10 million customers targeted, 3 million were reached. The average frequency for the campaign was three impressions over the month. The advertiser spent $100,000 on this media buy.
After the campaign, an analyst from the media platform noticed that customers who received six or more impressions were twice as likely to purchase than those who received three or fewer impressions. To increase the number of users who receive six or more impressions, the analyst recommends that the advertiser double their spend. The goal is to increase the frequency from three to six in order to drive a significant increase in incremental return on ad spend.
What primary concern should the advertiser's in-house measurement team have about this conclusion?
An analyst working for a financial services company is reviewing Facebook campaign results to assess how many new credit card signups can be attributed to its Facebook campaign. The analyst is comparing attributed results in Facebook Ads Manager with those in Google Analytics and needs to explain why these are different.
What are two key differences between the platforms that can provide a reasonable explanation for this outcome? (Choose 2)
An ecommerce brand is interested in understanding which approach delivers the highest ROAS. The advertiser is leveraging two distinct ad sets.
Ad Set A:
Budget: $100,000 Audience: Men, ages 45+ Creative: Product Focused
Ad Set B:
Budget: $120,000 Audience: Men, ages 18-44 Creative: Product Focused
Which two approaches could be recommended to analyze these campaigns? (Choose 2)
A fashion retailer has recently developed a new creative strategy and has also seen a decrease in sales. It is interested in learning what may have contributed to the decline, and has kept its media buying strategy consistent year-over-year.
What test design should be used to address this business challenge?
A startup ecommerce company is beginning to run media campaigns to increase sales. It is having trouble taking action from its media campaigns because of the high number of KPIs it is considering when analyzing results.
The startup company has been in the growth phase, so the focus has been on increasing the number of people who see ads for their products on Facebook. As the company grows, the focus is shifting towards generating sales. For its Facebook campaigns, the business is considering incremental purchases, incremental reach, CPMs, website visits, clicks and impressions.
Which metric should be prioritized to support the company's new Facebook marketing strategy?