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An LTM device configured with a management IP address and route and a series of self-IPs and TMM routes. Both management and TMM have a routing entry for 101 10/24 Application traffic is being load balanced and sent to pool member with SNAT Automap and configured.
Which route will the LTM device use?
TWO LTM devices are in the same Device Group and configured for Ac live/Standby Failover. The LTM Specialist observes that the HA Active and Standby device constantly changes state. All network links use the default route domain A dedicated fiber ink is used for the HA connection with a latency of 250 ms but no packet loss.
What is causing the change in failover state to occur?
To improve application security, an LTM Specialist must configure a BIG application access. The BIG IP system to authenticate the client certificate before permitting application access. The BIG-IP system must also support the ability to red to redirect users to a certificate enrolment system without generating a browser error.
Within the Client SSL profile, which value should the LTM Specialist select for the Client Certificate option?
An LTM is configure an application that is separated into several subdomains across multiple virtual servers. Many of these subdomains require encryption and could be accessed by anyone on the internet. The configuration must NOT result in SSL warnings to end users.
How should the LTM Specialist configure the SSL profiles for these virtual servers?
The topic is that there are multiple domain names in the business, and HTTPS services are provided to the internet, and users cannot be allowed to generate SSL alarms. The require client ssl and use CA certificate instead of self-singed certificate. And multiple domain names, you can use wildcard certificates.
An LTM Specialist needs to force only FTP traffic, sourced from subnet to virtual server to the new FTP1 server. The following virtual servers are configured on the LTM device:
Traffic sourced from 10.10.10/24 must use the specific pool member for load balancing.
Which configuration change is needed to meet the requirements?
According to the VS matching order, first match the destination host IP, then match the destination port and finally match the source network segment. In the current network configuration, 10.10.10./24 access to will hit MyVS2. If there is no error in the title, subnet to virtual
Server to the FTP1 server,'' Is to distribute all traffic from to FTP1, then D That's right.