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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by F5 Networks in their F5 Networks 201 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their F5 Networks TMOS Administration exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the F5 Networks 201 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
The BIG-IP Administrator creates a custom iRule that fails to work as expected. Which F5 online resource should the administrator use to help resolve this issue?
A development team needs to apply a software fix and troubleshoot one of its servers. The BIG-IP Administrator needs to immediately remove all connections from the BIG-IP system to the back end server. The BIG-IP Administrator checks the Virtual Server configuration and finds that a persistence profile is assigned to it. What should the 8IG-IP Administrator do to meet this requirement?
A BIG-IP Administrator must configure the BIG-IP device to send system log messages to a remote syslog server In addition, the log messages need to be sent over TCP for guaranteed delivery. What should the BIG-IP Administrator configure?
A BIG-IP system has the following configuration:
* SNAT is set to Auto Map
* There are two VLANs internal and external
* Default route is pointed to the gateway on external VLAN
* Self P for internal VLAN is 1921.1.2
* Self IP for external VLAN is
* Floating IP addresses for internal VLAN is
* Floating IP addresses for external VLAN is
* The Virtual Server IP address is
Which IP address does the BIG-IP system use first when traffic reaches the servers on the internal VLAN?
A 8IG-IP Administrator configures a Virtual Server to load balance traffic between 50 webservers for an
ecommerce website Traffic is being load balanced using the Least Connections (node) method.
The webserver administrators report that customers are losing the contents from their shopping carts
and are unable to complete their orders.
What should the BIG-IP Administrator do to resolve the issue?