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The expected time to Recover/Repair from a system from a failure is defined as .
The expected time to recover or repair from a system from a failure is defined as MTTR (mean time to recovery or mean time to repair). MTTR is the average time it takes to restore a system or product to its normal operation after a failure. MTTR includes the time spent on detecting, diagnosing, and fixing the problem. MTTR is an important metric for measuring the reliability and availability of a system or product, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the incident management process. A lower MTTR indicates a faster and more reliable recovery or repair process.
* EPI Data Centre Professional (CDCP) Preparation Guide, page 17
* What is MTTR? | IBM
* Explained: All Meanings of MTTR and Other Incident Metrics
What should be considered when using a direct air handler for a data centre?
Direct air handlers are a type of cooling system that use outdoor air to cool the data centre. They draw in fresh air from outside, filter it, and supply it to the data centre at the desired temperature and humidity level. Direct air handlers can reduce the energy consumption and operating costs of data centres by eliminating the need for mechanical cooling or refrigeration. However, they also have some challenges and limitations that need to be considered. One of the main factors to consider when using direct air handlers for data centres is the temperature, humidity and contamination of the outdoor environment. Depending on the location and climate of the data centre, the outdoor air may not always be suitable for cooling the data centre. For example, if the outdoor air is too hot, too humid, or too polluted, it may not provide enough cooling capacity, or it may damage the IT equipment or cause corrosion. Therefore, direct air handlers need to have sensors and controls to monitor the outdoor air quality and adjust the airflow accordingly. They may also need to have backup cooling systems or supplementary cooling devices, such as evaporative coolers or heat exchangers, to cope with extreme weather conditions or peak loads.
Which Class of Fires involves ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood and cloth?
According to the CDCP Preparation Guide, Class A fires involve ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood and cloth. These materials leave behind ash or embers when they burn. Class A fires can be extinguished by water or other cooling agents that reduce the temperature of the fuel below its ignition point.
Which one of the following is an example of Direct Cost?
Legal fees are an example of direct cost because they can be directly attributed to a specific project, product, or service. Legal fees are incurred for the purpose of obtaining legal advice, drafting contracts, resolving disputes, or complying with regulations related to the core business activity. Legal fees are not general overhead expenses that are shared by multiple cost objects.
Sprinkler heads used in computer rooms activate at what temperature?
Sprinkler heads used in computer rooms activate at 57 C (135 F), which is the standard temperature rating for ordinary sprinklers. This is the temperature at which the heat-sensitive element of the sprinkler head, such as a glass bulb or a fusible link, breaks or melts, allowing water to flow from the sprinkler. Sprinkler heads are designed to activate only when exposed to a fire, not to ambient temperature fluctuations. Therefore, sprinkler heads should be installed at a sufficient distance from the heat sources, such as servers, racks, or ducts, to avoid accidental activation. Sprinkler heads should also be selected and installed in accordance with the relevant standards and codes, such as NFPA 13 and NFPA 75.
1: CDCP Preparation Guide, page 24, section 2.4.3 2: Sprinkler Systems in Data Centers3, page 1, section 1 4: Data Center Fire Protection5, page 1, section 2 6: Data Center Sprinkler System Design7, page 1, section 1