Using the Spatial Analyst IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) tool an ArcGlS user interpolates a point feature class to a raster. The user notices that some high point values near the edge of the feature class seem to have a dramatic effect on the output.
This occurs even in areas that are far from the high edge values
Which two parameters should the user consider changing in the IDW tool? (Choose two)
The ArcGIS user is given data for the Arctic and is asked to perform various types of analysis using the dat
a. The data extends from the North Pole south to 70 degrees North Latitude Data layers may contain points lines, or polygons, and include ice surveys from NOAA depth contours: continental margins, locations of known and suspected oil reserves, endangered species habitat, and territorial boundaries for nations having Arctic coastline.
Which map projection should be used for the data to allow the most accurate buffering of those areas, in order to comply with the U.S court decision that ships may not approach closer than 20 nautical miles to a seal rookery?
An ArcGIS user is tasked with creating a map of the state of Utah displaying all the rivers for a conservation group. The conservation group is only interested in seeing rivers longer than 15 miles, where the longer rivers appear thicker using graduated symbols.
What are two ways the ArcGIS user can eliminate rivers less than 5 miles in length from appearing in the map? (Choose two)
An ArcGIS user has a project that requires using an image with a spatial accuracy of 5 meters Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) or better.
How should users verify the spatial accuracy of the image?
An ArcGIS user finds consistently returned low matches tor addresses which refer to "River" abbreviated as "RVER". In order to improve their matches the "RVER" abbreviation needs to be added to the xml file in the geocoding rule base.
Which two tools can be used to ensure these changes will be reflected before performing a new geocode? {Choose two)