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Which of the following functions is used to return the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values?
The AVERAGEA function is used to return the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values.
Answer option A is incorrect. It is used to return the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean.
Answer option D is incorrect. It is used to return the average of its arguments.
Answer option B is incorrect. It is used to test whether two values are equal.
Objective: Functions
Which of the following steps will you take to hide a sheet in a worksheet?
Objective: Editing
Which of the following contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records?
The QBE grid contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records. In the QBE grid, each column consists of information about a single field from a query or table that is included in the upper pane. The image of the QBE grid is given below:
Answer option D is incorrect. The Quick Access Toolbar in MS Access 2010 is a customizable toolbar which is displayed in the title bar of the Database window. It has a set of commands or functions (save, undo/redo, and print) that are independent of the tab on the ribbon currently displayed in MS Access. The Quick Access Toolbar can be moved from one of the two possible locations. A user can add any Access command as a button to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Answer option A is incorrect. The Navigation Pane is displayed on the left side in a new or existing database. The pane contains different database objects such as tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, etc. The database can be opened through the pane in different modes such as datasheet view, design view, and layout view. A user can use the navigation Pane to show or hide the database objects.
Answer option B is incorrect. The title bar is an area on the Database Window. It is used to show the name of the active database object.
Objective: Query Design
You work as an Office Assistant for Company Inc. You are creating a presentation in PowerPoint 2010. You have accidentally deleted one of the placeholders. However, you want to use that placeholder. Which of the following steps will you take to resolve the issue?
Slide Master is able to restore the deleted placeholders. To restore the deleted placeholders, select the Slide Master view > Master layout, and then select the check box for the deleted placeholder. Slide Master comprises a set of formatting groups. Following are the elements of Slide Master:
Edit master
Master layout
Edit theme
Page setup
Answer option D is incorrect. In Handout view, the Handout placeholder is not able to move, resize, and delete.
Answer option B is incorrect. In the Format Shape option, the Format placeholder is used for formatting only, and not for restoring the deleted placeholders.
Answer option C is incorrect. The Notes master view is not able to restore the placeholders.
Objective: Slides
Which of the following steps will you take to ensure that field controls can be neither edited nor deleted?
Take the following steps to protect control fields in a form:
Select the control that you want to protect.
Select the Ribbon's Developer tab. Click the Properties option in the Controls group.
The Content Control Properties dialog box will open. In the Content Control Properties dialog box, check both options given in the Locking section, i.e., Content Control cannot be deleted and Contents cannot be edited. Click the OK button.
After doing the above steps, whenever you try to edit or delete control fields, you will get an error message in the status bar of the form.
Answer options C, A, and D are incorrect. These are not valid steps to protect the control fields. Reference: ECDL/ICDL Exam Course Manual, Contents: 'Protect control fields'
Objective: Enhancing Productivity