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Which of the following contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records?
The QBE grid contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records. In the QBE grid, each column consists of information about a single field from a query or table that is included in the upper pane. The image of the QBE grid is given below:
Answer option D is incorrect. The Quick Access Toolbar in MS Access 2010 is a customizable toolbar which is displayed in the title bar of the Database window. It has a set of commands or functions (save, undo/redo, and print) that are independent of the tab on the ribbon currently displayed in MS Access. The Quick Access Toolbar can be moved from one of the two possible locations. A user can add any Access command as a button to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Answer option A is incorrect. The Navigation Pane is displayed on the left side in a new or existing database. The pane contains different database objects such as tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, etc. The database can be opened through the pane in different modes such as datasheet view, design view, and layout view. A user can use the navigation Pane to show or hide the database objects.
Answer option B is incorrect. The title bar is an area on the Database Window. It is used to show the name of the active database object.
Objective: Query Design
Which of the following are the types of the TextBox control?
Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A TextBox control is an editable control in which a user can edit and modify data. It is of the following types:
Unbound: An unbound textbox control is an empty control. It is not bound to any column of any table. It can be bound to a column by using the ControlSource property.
Bound: A bound textbox control is bound to a column of a table. It displays a single record of the column.
Calculated: It can be used for calculations based on the expression provided in the textbox.
Answer option A is incorrect. It is not a valid type of the TextBox control.
Objective: Form Design
Which of the following steps will you take to insert control fields to a form?
Each correct answer represents a part of the solution. Choose all that apply.
Take the following steps to insert control fields to a form:
Select the Ribbon's Developer tab and then select the Design Mode option in the Controls group.
As per requirement, control fields can be added by clicking on them.
Insert all form fields to complete the form.
Click the Save button to save the form.
Answer option D is incorrect. It is not a valid step to insert control fields to a form.
Objective: Enhancing Productivity
James works as a Database Designer for AccessSoft Inc. The company has a Windows Vista computer, which has a database named Orders. The database contains a table named OrderDetails. Users run queries against the database to place orders of customers. They also retrieve data related to the processing of orders and information about the customers who place orders. Users complain that the retrieval of data is very slow. James opens the following query:
SELECT * FROM OrderDetails;
What should he do to enhance the performance of the query?
In order to enhance the performance of the query, James will use the WHERE clause with the SELECT statement as follows:
SELECT * FROM OrderDetails WHERE custname='customer name';
The WHERE clause is used to filter data given in the table. The filter is based on one or more columns given after the SELECT statement. The columns are separated by commas.
Answer option C is incorrect. The DISTINCT clause is used to prevent rows from getting duplicated in the result set. It can only be used with the SQL SELECT statement.
The syntax for the DISTINCT clause is as follows:
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <conditions>
Answer option B is incorrect. The TOP clause is used to retrieve data for the first set of rows. The example is as follows:
SELECT * TOP 10 FROM OrderDetails;
The statement will retrieve only the top ten rows from the OrderDetails table.
Answer option D is incorrect. The GROUP BY clause groups selected rows on the basis of values of specified column(s) for each row, and returns a single row of summary information for each group. Rows that have the same values in the specified grouping column(s) are grouped together. The GROUP BY clause suppresses duplicate rows for the grouping column(s). It does not guarantee the order of the result set. Therefore, the ORDER BY clause should be used with the GROUP BY clause to sort the result set in the desired order. The syntax of the GROUP BY clause is given below:
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator value GROUP BY column_name
Consider the following example, EMPLOYEE_EXPENSES table:
To group the total sum (total order) of each employee from the EMPLOYEE_EXPENSES table, run the following command:
SELECT LastName, Expenses FROM Orders GROUP BY LastName
The output of the command will appear as:
Objective: Query Design
You work as an Office Assistant for Company Inc. You are creating a presentation in PowerPoint 2010. You have added a title in the presentation. Now, you want to change the effect of the title to Accent 1, as shown in the following image:
WordArt is an artistic formatting tool that is used to produce special effects. The WordArt objects are drawing objects that cannot be taken as text. It is a gallery of text styles that can be used to create decorative effects, such as shadowed or mirrored (reflected) text. It allows a user to use various stylized effects, texture, and format, such as curved, three-dimensional, rotate, and bend. While using it in Word and PowerPoint, a user can also convert existing text into WordArt. The WordArt objects can be moved or positioned in the document to add decoration or emphasis. A user can modify or add to the text in an existing WordArt object whenever he wants.
Answer option B is incorrect. SmartArt is a visual graphic. It is used to represent the information effectively and efficiently. These graphics use a specific set of algorithms that provide different layout options, including a linear flow algorithm, a cycle algorithm, and two algorithms that work together to create a hierarchy diagram. It is used to create designer-quality illustrations. A user can increase the emphasis of information by adding SmartArt. Though SmartArt graphics audience of a presentation can understand and recall information better than a text, it is necessary to visualize what type and layout are best for displaying data, and what does a user want to convey with a SmartArt graphic. A user can quickly convert slide text to a SmartArt graphic. In addition, a user can add animation to a SmartArt graphic in Office PowerPoint 2010 presentations.
Answer option A is incorrect. Clip Art is used to make the presentations attractive.
Answer option D is incorrect. Custom animation is a powerful and dynamic tool of Microsoft PowerPoint. It allows a user to determine how the objects of a slide appear during a slide show. It comprises a list of effects such as blinds, diamonds, etc. These effects are used to be applied on the objects.
Objective: Multimedia