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Miley, an analyst, wants to reduce the amount of collected data and make the storing and sharing process easy. She uses filtering, tagging, and queuing technique to sort out the relevant and structured data from the large amounts of unstructured data.
Which of the following techniques was employed by Miley?
Normalization in the context of data analysis refers to the process of organizing data to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency in storing and sharing. By filtering, tagging, and queuing, Miley is effectively normalizing the data---converting it from various unstructured formats into a structured, more accessible format. This makes the data easier to analyze, store, and share. Normalization is crucial in cybersecurity and threat intelligence to manage the vast amounts of data collected and ensure that only relevant data is retained and analyzed. This technique contrasts with sandboxing, which is used for isolating and analyzing suspicious code; data visualization, which involves representing data graphically; and convenience sampling, which is a method of sampling where samples are taken from a group that is conveniently accessible. Reference:
'The Application of Data Normalization to Database Security,' International Journal of Computer Science Issues
SANS Institute Reading Room, 'Data Normalization Considerations in Cyber Threat Intelligence'
In which of the following attacks does the attacker exploit vulnerabilities in a computer application before the software developer can release a patch for them?
A zero-day attack exploits vulnerabilities in software or hardware that are unknown to the vendor or for which a patch has not yet been released. These attacks are particularly dangerous because they take advantage of the window of time between the vulnerability's discovery and the availability of a fix, leaving systems exposed to potential exploitation. Zero-day attacks require a proactive and comprehensive approach to security, including the use of advanced threat detection systems and threat intelligence to identify and mitigate potential threats before they can be exploited. Reference:
'Understanding Zero-Day Exploits,' by MITRE
'Zero-Day Threats: What They Are and How to Protect Against Them,' by Symantec
John, a professional hacker, is trying to perform APT attack on the target organization network. He gains access to a single system of a target organization and tries to obtain administrative login credentials to gain further access to the systems in the network using various techniques.
What phase of the advanced persistent threat lifecycle is John currently in?
The phase described where John, after gaining initial access, is attempting to obtain administrative credentials to further access systems within the network, is known as the 'Expansion' phase of an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) lifecycle. This phase involves the attacker expanding their foothold within the target's environment, often by escalating privileges, compromising additional systems, and moving laterally through the network. The goal is to increase control over the network and maintain persistence for ongoing access. This phase follows the initial intrusion and sets the stage for establishing long-term presence and eventual data exfiltration or other malicious objectives. Reference:
MITRE ATT&CK Framework, specifically the tactics related to Credential Access and Lateral Movement
'APT Lifecycle: Detecting the Undetected,' a whitepaper by CyberArk
Sam works as an analyst in an organization named InfoTech Security. He was asked to collect information from various threat intelligence sources. In meeting the deadline, he forgot to verify the threat intelligence sources and used data from an open-source data provider, who offered it at a very low cost. Through it was beneficial at the initial stage but relying on such data providers can produce unreliable data and noise putting the organization network into risk.
What mistake Sam did that led to this situation?
Sam's mistake was using threat intelligence from sources that he did not verify for reliability. Relying on intelligence from unverified or unreliable sources can lead to the incorporation of inaccurate, outdated, or irrelevant information into the organization's threat intelligence program. This can result in 'noise,' which refers to irrelevant or false information that can distract from real threats, and potentially put the organization's network at risk. Verifying the credibility and reliability of intelligence sources is crucial to ensure that the data used for making security decisions is accurate and actionable. Reference:
'Best Practices for Threat Intelligence Sharing,' by FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams)
'Evaluating Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources,' by Jon DiMaggio, SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room
Jame, a professional hacker, is trying to hack the confidential information of a target organization. He identified the vulnerabilities in the target system and created a tailored deliverable malicious payload using an exploit and a backdoor to send it to the victim.
Which of the following phases of cyber kill chain methodology is Jame executing?
In the cyber kill chain methodology, the phase where Jame is creating a tailored malicious deliverable that includes an exploit and a backdoor is known as 'Weaponization'. During this phase, the attacker prepares by coupling a payload, such as a virus or worm, with an exploit into a deliverable format, intending to compromise the target's system. This step follows the initial 'Reconnaissance' phase, where the attacker gathers information on the target, and precedes the 'Delivery' phase, where the weaponized bundle is transmitted to the target. Weaponization involves the preparation of the malware to exploit the identified vulnerabilities in the target system. Reference:
Lockheed Martin's Cyber Kill Chain framework
'Intelligence-Driven Computer Network Defense Informed by Analysis of Adversary Campaigns and Intrusion Kill Chains,' leading to the development of the Cyber Kill Chain framework