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A cyber attacker has initiated a series of activities against a high-profile organization following the Cyber Kill
Chain Methodology. The attacker is presently in the ''Delivery'' stage. As an Ethical Hacker, you are trying to
anticipate the adversary's next move. What is the most probable subsequent action from the attacker based on
the Cyber Kill Chain Methodology?
You are the chief cybersecurity officer at CloudSecure Inc., and your team is responsible for securing a cloudbased application that handles sensitive customer dat
a. To ensure that the data is protected from breaches, you
have decided to implement encryption for both data-at-rest and data-in-transit. The development team suggests using SSL/TLS for securing data in transit. However, you want to also implement a mechanism to detect if the data was tampered with during transmission. Which of the following should you propose?
Shiela is an information security analyst working at HiTech Security Solutions. She is performing service version discovery using Nmap to obtain information about the running services and their versions on a target system.
Which of the following Nmap options must she use to perform service version discovery on the target host?
Websites and web portals that provide web services commonly use the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
Which of the following is an incorrect definition or characteristics of the protocol?
Log monitoring tools performing behavioral analysis have alerted several suspicious logins on a Linux server occurring during non-business hours. After further examination of all login activities, it is noticed that none of the logins have occurred during typical work hours. A Linux administrator who is investigating this problem realizes the system time on the Linux server is wrong by more than twelve hours. What protocol used on Linux servers to synchronize the time has stopped working?