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Frances Fisher has been working as a cloud security engineer in a multinational company. Her organization uses Microsoft Azure cloud-based services. Frances created a resource group (devResourceGroup); then, she created a virtual machine (devVM) in that resource group. Next. Frances created a Bastion host for the virtual machine (devVM) and she connected the virtual machine using Bastion from the Azure portal. Which of the following protocols Is used by Azure Bastion to provide secure connectivity to Frances' virtual machine (devVM) from the Azure portal?
Alice, a cloud forensic investigator, has located, a relevant evidence during his investigation of a security breach in an organization's Azure environment. As an investigator, he needs to sync different types of logs generated by Azure resources with Azure services for better monitoring. Which Azure logging and auditing feature can enable Alice to record information on the Azure subscription layer and obtain the evidence (information related to the operations performed on a specific resource, timestamp, status of the operation, and the user responsible for it)?
Azure Activity Logs provide a record of operations performed on resources within an Azure subscription. They are essential for monitoring and auditing purposes, as they offer detailed information on the operations, including the timestamp, status, and the identity of the user responsible for the operation.
Here's how Azure Activity Logs can be utilized by Alice:
Recording Operations: Azure Activity Logs record all control-plane activities, such as creating, updating, and deleting resources through Azure Resource Manager.
Evidence Collection: For forensic purposes, these logs are crucial as they provide evidence of the operations performed on specific resources.
Syncing Logs: Azure Activity Logs can be integrated with Azure services for better monitoring and can be synced with other tools for analysis.
Access and Management: Investigators like Alice can access these logs through the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure Monitor REST API.
Security and Compliance: These logs are also used for security and compliance, helping organizations to meet regulatory requirements.
Scott Herman works as a cloud security engineer in an IT company located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His organization uses Office 365 Business Premium that provides Microsoft Teams, secure cloud storage, business email, premium Office applications across devices, advanced cyber threat protection, and device management.
Which of the following cloud computing service models does Microsoft Office 365 represent?
SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a cloud computing model where software applications are delivered over the internet. Users subscribe to the service rather than purchasing and installing software on individual devices. Microsoft Office 365 fits this model as it provides access to various applications such as Microsoft Teams, secure cloud storage, business email, and more through a subscription service. Users can access these services from any device, provided they have an internet connection.
Here's a breakdown of how Office 365 aligns with the SaaS model:
Subscription-Based: Office 365 operates on a subscription model, where users pay a recurring fee to use the service.
Cloud-Hosted Applications: The suite includes cloud-hosted versions of traditional Microsoft applications, as well as new tools like Microsoft Teams.
Managed by Provider: Microsoft manages the infrastructure, security, and updates for these applications, relieving users from these responsibilities.
Accessible from Anywhere: As a cloud service, Office 365 can be accessed from anywhere, on any device with internet connectivity.
Business Services: It includes business services like email and device management, which are typical features of SaaS offerings.
Microsoft's description of Office 365 as a cloud-based service1.
Microsoft Azure's definition of SaaS, mentioning Office 365 as an example2.
Microsoft support page explaining Microsoft 365 as a subscription service3.
Richard Roxburgh works as a cloud security engineer in an IT company. His organization was dissatisfied with the services of its previous cloud service provider. Therefore, in January 2020, his organization adopted AWS cloud-based services and shifted all workloads and data in the AWS cloud. Richard wants to provide complete security to the hosted applications before deployment and while running in the AWS ecosystem. Which of the following automated security assessment services provided by AWS can be used by Richard to improve application security and check the application for any type of vulnerability or deviation from the best practices automatically?
The e-commerce platform observes overspending 15% to 30% due to unawareness of the mistakes in threat detection and security governance while using the services of its cloud provider AWS. It feels it requires a well-thought-out roadmap to improve its cloud journey. How can the company accelerate its cloud journey with desired outcomes and business value?
To address the issue of overspending and improve the cloud journey with desired outcomes and business value, the e-commerce platform should follow the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF).
Benefits of AWS CAF:
AWS Cloud Adoption Framework1.