The threat intelligence, which will help you, understand adversary intent and make informed decision to ensure appropriate security in alignment with risk.
What kind of threat intelligence described above?
Peter, a SOC analyst with Spade Systems, is monitoring and analyzing the router logs of the company and wanted to check the logs that are generated by access control list numbered 210.
What filter should Peter add to the 'show logging' command to get the required output?
Which of the following technique involves scanning the headers of IP packets leaving a network to make sure
that the unauthorized or malicious traffic never leaves the internal network?
What does [-n] in the following checkpoint firewall log syntax represents?
fw log [-f [-t]] [-n] [-l] [-o] [-c action] [-h host] [-s starttime] [-e endtime] [-b starttime endtime] [-u unification_scheme_file] [-m unification_mode(initial|semi|raw)] [-a] [-k (alert name|all)] [-g] [logfile]
Which of the following command is used to view iptables logs on Ubuntu and Debian distributions?