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Geon Solutions INC., had only 10 employees when it started. But as business grew, the organization had to increase the amount of staff. The network administrator is finding it difficult to accommodate an increasing
number of employees in the existing network topology. So the organization is planning to implement a new topology where it will be easy to accommodate an increasing number of employees. Which network topology
will help the administrator solve the problem of needing to add new employees and expand?
The star topology is the most suitable for accommodating an increasing number of employees because it allows for easy addition of new nodes or computers without disrupting the existing network. In a star topology, each node is independently connected to a central hub. If a new employee is added, they can be connected to the hub without affecting the other nodes. This topology also simplifies troubleshooting, as each connection can be individually assessed without taking down the entire network. Furthermore, the star topology is known for its scalability and robustness, making it ideal for a growing company like Geon Solutions INC.
Identify the spread spectrum technique that multiplies the original data signal with a pseudo random noise spreading code.
The spread spectrum technique that involves multiplying the original data signal with a pseudo-random noise spreading code is known as Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). In DSSS, the data signal is combined with a higher data-rate bit sequence, also known as a chipping code, which divides the data according to a spreading ratio. The chipping code is a pseudo-random code sequence that spreads the signal across a wider bandwidth. This process allows the signal to be more resistant to interference and eavesdropping.
John, the network administrator and he wants to enable the NetFlow feature in Cisco routers to collect and monitor the IP network traffic passing through the router. Which command will John use to enable NetFlow on
an interface?
Which of the following DDoS attacks overloads a service by sending inundate packets?
In the context of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, a network-centric attack is one that targets the network layer of a system's architecture. This type of attack aims to overload a service by inundating it with a flood of packets, which can be achieved through methods like ICMP floods or UDP floods. These attacks consume the bandwidth of the targeted site, effectively saturating it with traffic and preventing legitimate traffic from being processed.
Which type of training can create awareness among employees regarding compliance issues?
Security policy training is designed to create awareness among employees regarding compliance issues. This type of training typically includes information on the organization's security policies, the importance of compliance, and the consequences of non-compliance. It helps ensure that employees understand their role in maintaining the security and integrity of the organization's data and systems. Security policy training is essential for enforcing the organization's security strategy and ensuring that employees are aware of the policies they need to follow.