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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Docker in their Docker DCA exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Docker Certified Associate Exam exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Docker DCA exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Does this command display all the pods in the cluster that are labeled as env; development'?
Solution. 'kubectl gel pods --all-namespaces -I 'env in (development)''
A company's security policy specifies that development and production containers must run on separate nodes in a given Swarm cluster.
Can this be used to schedule containers to meet the security policy requirements?
Solution: resource reservation
:Resource reservation is a feature that allows you to specify the amount of CPU and memory resources that a service or a container needs. This helps the scheduler to place the service or the container on a node that has enough available resources. However, resource reservation does not control which node the service or the container runs on, nor does it enforce any separation or isolation between different services or containers. Therefore, resource reservation cannot be used to schedule containers to meet the security policy requirements.
[Reserve compute resources for containers]
[Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Study Guide]
Will this sequence of steps completely delete an image from disk in the Docker Trusted Registry?
Solution. Delete the image and delete the image repository from Docker Trusted Registry.
Is this a way to configure the Docker engine to use a registry without a trusted TLS certificate?
Solution: Set IGNORE_TLS in the 'daemon.json' configuration file.
{ ''insecure-registries'' : [''''] }
Daemon configuration file | Docker Docs
Verify repository client with certificates | Docker Docs
Test an insecure registry | Docker Docs
Content trust in Docker | Docker Docs
Is this an advantage of multi-stage builds?
Solution: better caching when building Docker images