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A customer has a large ESX server environment they are considering deploying to XtremIO for a VDI implementation. To determine a baseline of the environment, you are proceeding with documenting each server's CPU, NIC, and disk utilization statistics. The customer has provided you with direct CLI access to the servers to conduct this assessment.
Which utility should be used to monitor these performance parameters?
resxtop is a command to retrieve performance statistics. This command is included in vSphere command line interface (CLI) and is part of the vSphere Management Assistant (vMA), which is an equivalent to esxtop that runs only inside an ESX service console.
A customer has a requirement to replicate their VDI to a newly purchased data center located 5 miles away. They require 10-day retention at each site and a continuous replication RPO. However, they want to have the same storage platform at each site. They have a limited budget but need to meet their requirements.
Which solution should be recommended to the customer?
The EMC RecoverPoint family provides cost-effective, local continuous data protection (CDP), continuous remote replication (CRR), and continuous local and remote replication (CLR) that allows for any-point-in-time data recovery and a new 'snap and replicate' mechanism for local and remote replication (XRP).
Native replication support for XtremIO
The native replication support for XtremIO is designed for high-performance and low-latency applications that provides a low Recovery Point Objective of one minute or less and immediate RTO.
The benefits include:
When creating XtremIO volumes for a host, which operating systems will benefit by changing the default logical block size for applications consisting of 4 KB I/Os?
With VMware ESX 5.5, the VMware hypervisor cannot work with LUNs that use a logical block size of 4K. When using VMware, be sure to specify Normal (512 LBs) from your XtremIO array.
Which values are required to enter a generic workload into the XtremIO Sizing Tool?
IDC outlines a criteria some criteria for selecting a testing tool:
* Generate workloads
* Capture results for analysis:
References:, page 87, page 7
Which multipathing software is supported by XtremIO?
Noting the inefficiencies in VMware's NMP driver, EMC developed a set of drivers specifically designed to overcome these limitations and improve the performance and reliability of the data passing between an array and a server. EMC developed the PowerPath family of products optimized specifically for Linux, Microsoft Windows, and UNIX Operating Systems as well as PowerPath/VE for VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisors.
PowerPath is installed on hosts to provide path failover, load balancing and performance optimization VPLEX engines (or directly to the XtremIO array if VPLEX is not used).
Note: VMware, with the cooperation of its storage partners, developed a Native Multipathing Plug-in (NMP). VMware NMP was designed to distribute the load over all the available paths and provide failover protection in the case of path, port or HBA failure, but it has not been fully optimized to work with the controllers in a storage systems. VMware's NMP Round Robin policy does not have the intelligence that PowerPath has as PowerPath uses testing and diagnostics to continually monitor an environment to determine the optimal path for queuing requests and will adapt to current conditions.