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What is the maximum number of LUN snapshots that are supported by Unity?
Note: Logical Unit Number (LUN) -- A block-level storage device that can be accessed using a protocol such as iSCSI.
A user is having difficulty troubleshooting a Unity storage system and the service provider has been contacted for assistance. The service provider needs to run some service commands on the Storage Processors to troubleshoot the issue further.
Which step must be taken to allow the service provider remote access to the storage system?
The Service Tasks tab provides tools to service the storage system, including repair and troubleshooting. You can use this page to collect system and configuration information for assisting your service provider with a service request. The service password is required to access the various service task operations.
The Technical Advisories tab displays up-to-date information about advisories specific to the system by referencing knowledge base articles. The Logs tab displays an audit log for system events. It also allows users to configure a remote host to which to send log information and lets users export logs into a CSV file for additional reporting purposes.
What is an advantage of using the InitCLI tool to assign an IP address to a Unity storage system?