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A NetWorker workflow is configured as a probe-based backup
What actions must be included in the workflow?
A probe-based backup workflow must include the probe and backup actions. The workflow will first probe the client to determine the data sets that need to be backed up and then perform the actual backup process.
An administrator added several new LDAP user accounts for backup configuration and monitoring tasks . The LDAP users have been authenticated in NMC.
Where must the user accounts be added so these tasks can be performed on the server?
The LDAP user accounts must be added to the Privileges field of the user groups on the NetWorker server in order for the users to be able to perform the specified tasks on the server. The other options are not related to this process.
A backup administrator has configured Dell EMC Cloud Tier and the NetWorker data movement policy for long-term retention. The save sets are not moved to the Cloud even though cloning ran successfully
What is the reason for this issue?
The data movement policy on Dell EMC Cloud Tier is configured to move the save sets to the Cloud only once a month. The cloning of the save sets may have run successfully, but the data movement will still only occur once a month.
A backup administrator wants to use an mminfo utility to run a query for several save sets from a NetWorker client running Windows 2019 However, they receive an error that the mminfo executable is not found.
What is the fastest way to resolve this issue?
To use the mminfo utility, the NetWorker Extended Client package must be installed to the Windows 2019 client. This package includes the mminfo executable along with other NetWorker utilities.
A backup administrator has configured the backup of the All save set on a Linux host that contains a remote mount point. During the restore, the administrator did not see the mount point data but only local data
What is the reason for this behavior?
NetWorker does not directly support the backup of mount points on Linux systems. To back up the data on the mount points, the remote systems must be added as a client to the NetWorker server and included in the backup.