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An application owner is experiencing performance issues for their application. Unisphere for PowerMax is showing the storage group is compliant with the current Service Level.
How should the performance issue be addressed?
An application owner is experiencing performance issues for their application. Unisphere for PowerMax is showing the storage group is compliant with the current Service Level. This means that the performance issue is not caused by the storage system, but by some other factor in the environment, such as network congestion, host configuration, or application workload. One possible way to address the performance issue is to redistribute the application to other front-end host ports on different directors. This can help balance the workload across multiple paths and avoid potential bottlenecks or contention on a single port or director. Unisphere for PowerMax provides a Performance Plan feature that can analyze the current configuration and suggest optimal port allocation for each storage group based on historical data and best practices.
vWitness and Array Witness options are deployed in the same operating environment simultaneously.
Which option does SRDF/Metro favor in this situation?
When vWitness and Array Witness options are deployed in the same operating environment simultaneously, SRDF/Metro favors the Witness option over the Array Witness option. This is because the Witness option provides a higher level of protection against split-brain scenarios and data loss than the Array Witness option. The Witness option uses a third-party server to monitor the health and connectivity of both SRDF/Metro arrays and to arbitrate in case of a failure. The Array Witness option uses a third array to store configuration information and to arbitrate in case of a failure. However, the Array Witness option does not monitor the health and connectivity of both SRDF/Metro arrays, and it requires manual intervention to resume SRDF/Metro replication after a failure.
A company plans to implement SRDF/Star. It is currently using SRDF/S between their two data centers. It is setting up a third data center and wants to have at least two identical copies of its data in case of a primary site failure.
What condition is needed for the connection between the first two sites and the third site?
A company plans to implement SRDF/Star, which is a three-site replication solution that provides continuous data protection and disaster recovery capabilities. It is currently using SRDF/S between their two data centers, which are located within 200 kilometers and use synchronous replication. It is setting up a third data center and wants to have at least two identical copies of its data in case of a primary site failure. The third site can be located anywhere in the world and use asynchronous replication. The condition that is needed for the connection between the first two sites and the third site is that the link must be able to transport the delta set of the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) within the company's Recovery Time Objective (RTO). The delta set is the amount of data that has changed since the last successful replication cycle. The RPO is the maximum acceptable amount of data loss measured in time. The RTO is the maximum acceptable amount of time to restore normal operations after a disaster. The link must have enough bandwidth and latency to ensure that the delta set can be transferred within the RTO without exceeding the RPO.
A three-brick PowerMax 8000 is running PowerMaxOS 5978.444.444. The system is configured with Flash Drives RAID 5 (7+1). The customer wants to expand the capacity with SCM drives.
Which minimum configuration is supported?
Alerts are required to track high I/O response times for a specific storage group. I/O Response times greater than 10 ms require next day analysis. I/O response times greater than 15 ms require immediate intervention.
Which alert settings are required?