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An organization is planning to secure the connection between the data center and cloud while performing data backup and replication.
Which security control mechanism will help organization to achieve the desired security?
A company is using an intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) to scan and analyze intrusion events.
Which IDPS technique uses a database that contains known attack patterns?
Signature-based IDPS uses a database that contains known attack patterns or signatures. Each signature is associated with a particular type of attack and the IDPS will look for those patterns in order to identify malicious activity. For example, if the signature in the database is associated with a buffer overflow attack, the IDPS will look for that particular pattern of attack in order to detect the attack.
An organization plans to deploy a deduplication solution in their data center environment They are concerned about the application servers' performance and a long backup window during backups. However, they want to retain their existing backup application.
Which deduplication solution(s) should be recommended?
Which file system provides a streaming interface using the MapReduce framework?
HDFS - Presents a streaming interface to run any application of choice using the MapReduce framework.
An Ethernet switch has eight ports and all ports must be operational for 24 hours from Monday through Friday.
However, a failure of Port 7 occurs as follows:
Monday=4 PM to 11 PM
Wednesday= 2 PM to 10 PM
Friday= 5 AM to11 AM
What is the MTTR of Port 7?
To calculate MTTR, we need to convert the hours into minutes. Here are the steps:
Monday: Port 7 was down from 4 PM to 11 PM. That's 7 hours or 420 minutes.
Wednesday: Port 7 was down from 2 PM to 10 PM. That's 8 hours or 480 minutes.
Friday: Port 7 was down from 5 AM to11 AM. That's 6 hours or 360 minutes.
Total corrective maintenance time = 420 + 480 + 360 =1260 minutes
Number of repairs =3
MTTR = Total corrective maintenance time / Number of repairs
MTTR =1260 / 3 =420 minutes
Therefore, the MTTR of Port 7 is420 minutes.