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Which RESTful API method is used to retrieve an existing XtremIO configuration?
In a heterogeneous environment, what is a recommended setting when multiple storage arrays are connected to VMware vSphere in addition to XtremIO X2?
In a heterogeneous environment with multiple storage arrays connected to VMware vSphere, setting Disk.SchedQuantum to 64 is recommended.
This setting optimizes the scheduling of I/O requests and helps in balancing the load across different storage arrays.
Proper configuration of Disk.SchedQuantum enhances the performance and efficiency of the storage environment.
VMware Best Practices for Storage
Dell XtremIO VMware Integration Guide
A systems administrator is responsible for the operations of 20 XtremlO X1 clusters; each are using a standalone XMS server. The administrator wants to consolidate management operations to the minimum number of XMS servers as possible.
What is the smallest number of XMS servers that can support the environment?
A single XtremIO Management Server (XMS) can manage up to 8 X-Brick clusters.
For 20 XtremIO X1 clusters, the smallest number of XMS servers required to support the environment is 4.
Consolidating management operations to the minimum number of XMS servers helps in simplifying administration and monitoring tasks.
Dell XtremIO XMS Configuration Guide
XtremIO Cluster Management Documentation
In addition to PowerPath, what other supported multipathing software is used for VMware ESXi hosts connecting to XtremIO?
In addition to PowerPath, the supported multipathing software for VMware ESXi hosts connecting to XtremIO is Native Multipathing (NMP).
NMP is integrated with VMware and provides basic multipathing capabilities, allowing for path redundancy and load balancing.
Properly configuring multipathing is crucial for achieving high availability and optimal performance in a VMware environment with XtremIO storage.
Dell EMC Host Connectivity Guide for VMware ESXi
XtremIO Multipathing Configuration Documentation
Which Linux/UNIX command is used for monitoring the performance of system input/output devices?
The other commands listed have different purposes:
stat (OA) is used to display file or file system status.
netstat (OB) displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
nbtstat (OC) is a Windows command-line utility that displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NetBIOS over TCP/IP.