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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Dell EMC in their Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Dell EMC Dell XtremIO Design Achievement exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
What is the recommended execution throttle setting for Windows, Linux, and VMware for Qlogic adapters?
Which disk format should be used for ESXi Disks provisioned by XtremIO?
For ESXi disks provisioned by XtremIO, the recommended disk format is 'Eager Zeroed Thick'. This format is preferred because it allocates all the space required for the disk at the time of creation and zeroes out any previous data on the physical media. Compared to other formats, 'Eager Zeroed Thick' provides better performance due to the pre-zeroing of the disk space, which helps in avoiding any latency that might occur during write operations as there is no need to zero out blocks before writing new data.
You have been requested to connect to the TECH port of a physical XtremIO X2 XMS by Global Technical Support. Which port should the service machine be connected to on the server?
When Global Technical Support requests a connection to the TECH port of a physical XtremIO X2 XMS, the service machine should be connected to the MGMT ETH0 port on the server. This port is typically used for management purposes and allows for the necessary communication between the service machine and the XtremIO X2 XMS for technical operations and support.
A user attempts to create a quorum disk for a host cluster. Volume parameters are:
* Size = 1000 Kb
. Name 1 MB_Vol
However, the volume creation fails. What caused the process to fail?
What is true about the Solaris specific configuration settings?
In the context of Dell XtremIO storage arrays and their interaction with host systems such as Solaris, flow control is a network feature that manages data transmission and helps prevent packet loss when network congestion occurs. Enabling flow control on Solaris when it's connected to XtremIO arrays can be crucial for maintaining data integrity and ensuring smooth communication between the host and the storage system.
Enabling flow control can help in managing the pace at which data packets are sent, allowing the receiving device to handle the incoming data without being overwhelmed. This is particularly important in high-performance environments where XtremIO arrays are used, as they often handle large volumes of data transfers.
In summary, enabling flow control is a recommended practice for Solaris specific configurations when interfacing with Dell XtremIO storage arrays to ensure data transfer reliability and system stability.