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A VxRail administrator is planning a maintenance activity. The customer has a 2 hour maintenance window and wants to avoid unnecessary vSAN re-synchronization during this time.
Use the simulator to prepare the system for maintenance mode.
To prepare the system for maintenance mode and avoid unnecessary vSAN re-synchronization, follow these steps:
Log in to vSphere Client:
Open the vSphere Client.
Enter the username: administrator@vsphere.local.
Enter the password: VMw@r3!123.
Click Login.
Navigate to the Host:
In the vSphere Client interface, navigate to Hosts and Clusters.
Expand the VxRail-DC and then the VxRail-Cluster.
Select the Host for Maintenance:
Select the host you plan to put into maintenance mode (e.g.,,, etc.).
Enter Maintenance Mode:
Right-click on the selected host and select Enter Maintenance Mode.
In the Enter Maintenance Mode window, you will have several options for vSAN data migration. To avoid unnecessary re-synchronization, choose Ensure Accessibility.
Ensure Accessibility: This option makes sure that the data remains accessible during maintenance but does not immediately trigger full data migration. It is the best choice to avoid unnecessary re-synchronization during a short maintenance window.
Confirm Maintenance Mode:
Click OK to confirm the selection and put the host into maintenance mode.
Verify the Host Status:
Monitor the status to ensure the host enters maintenance mode without triggering excessive re-synchronization.
VMware vSAN Maintenance Mode Options: vSAN Maintenance Mode
To summarize, selecting Ensure Accessibility when entering maintenance mode helps to avoid unnecessary vSAN re-synchronization during the maintenance window. This method ensures that data remains accessible and minimizes the impact on the cluster's performance and availability during the maintenance activity.
An existing 4-node VxRail standard cluster has to be scaled out with 2 additional nodes and
configured as a stretched cluster. An administrator must prepare a vSAN storage policy that should
have the following:
- vSAN Policy Name: vSAN
Stretched Cluster
- Data protection across the sites
- Local protection: RAID-1 with
- Thick Provisioning
An administrator should be able to provision a VM even if the currently available cluster
resources cannot satisfy the current policy.
Use the simulator to create the required vSAN storage policy.
To create the required vSAN storage policy in the vSphere Client for a VxRail stretched cluster, follow these steps:
Log in to vSphere Client:
Open the vSphere Client.
Enter the username: administrator@vsphere.local.
Enter the password: VMw@r3!123.
Click Login.
Navigate to Storage Policies:
From the home screen, go to Policies and Profiles in the left-hand navigation pane.
Click on VM Storage Policies.
Create a New Storage Policy:
Click Create VM Storage Policy.
Enter the name as vSAN Stretched Cluster.
Click Next.
Configure Policy Rules:
In the Policy Structure section, choose Enable tag-based placement rules if needed.
Click Next.
Add vSAN Rules:
In the Storage Compatibility section, click Add rule and select vSAN.
Configure the following:
Primary level of failures to tolerate (PFTT): 1 failure - RAID 1 (Mirroring)
Secondary level of failures to tolerate (SFTT): 1 failure - RAID 1 (Mirroring)
Failures to Tolerate: 1
Provisioning type: Thick Provisioning
Ensure 'Force Provisioning' is enabled. This allows the VM to be provisioned even if the current resources do not satisfy the policy.
Set Data Services:
Skip the Data Services section if not applicable.
Click Next.
Review and Finish:
Review the policy settings.
Click Finish to create the storage policy.
Apply the Storage Policy to VMs:
Navigate to the VMs section.
Select the VMs that need the new storage policy.
Right-click and select VM Policies > Edit VM Storage Policies.
Choose the vSAN Stretched Cluster policy for the applicable disks.
VMware vSAN Storage Policy Creation Guide: vSAN Storage Policies
Note: The exact steps may vary slightly based on the version of vSphere Client being used. Make sure to adjust any specific configurations based on the latest guidelines and available features in the interface.
An administrator must shut down a VxRail cluster However the validation process has failed and cannot be completed
What action must be taken to correct the issue?
If the validation process for shutting down a VxRail cluster fails, the necessary action to correct the issue is to shut down all client VMs. Ensuring that all virtual machines are powered off is crucial for a clean shutdown of the cluster, preventing any data loss or corruption and allowing the shutdown process to complete successfully.
Dell VxRail Administration Guide: VxRail Administration Guide
Which command is used to unlock the mystic account on the VxRail Manager VM?
To unlock the mystic account on the VxRail Manager VM, the command used is pam_tally2 --user=mystic --reset. This command resets the failed login attempts counter for the specified user, unlocking the account if it was locked due to too many failed login attempts.
Steps to unlock:
Access the VxRail Manager VM through SSH.
Execute the command pam_tally2 --user=mystic --reset.
Verify that the account is unlocked and can log in successfully.
If the vCenter Server is unavailable, which vSAN troubleshooting option should an administrator use?
If the vCenter Server is unavailable, an administrator should use VxRail Manager for vSAN troubleshooting. VxRail Manager provides comprehensive management and monitoring capabilities for the VxRail cluster, including vSAN. It enables administrators to perform health checks, diagnostics, and maintenance tasks even when the vCenter Server is down, ensuring continuity of operations and effective troubleshooting.
Dell VxRail Manager User Guide: VxRail Manager User Guide