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Which two additional Q-in-Q VLAN tunnel configuration steps must be followed if the provider network uses a VXLAN overlay?
Configure VLAN Translation (A): VLAN translation is necessary to translate customer VLANs (CVLANs) to service VLANs (SVLANs) for Q-in-Q tunneling in a VXLAN environment.
Map the SVLAN traffic to a VNI (B): SVLAN traffic must be mapped to a VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI) for encapsulation and transport across the VXLAN overlay network.
Dell Technologies SONiC documentation
VXLAN Configuration Guide
What does show interface breakout port slot/slot command display?
The show interface breakout port slot/slot command displays the breakout modes available for the specified port. Breakout modes determine how a single high-speed port can be split into multiple lower-speed ports, providing flexibility in network port configurations.
Dell Technologies SONiC Command Reference Guide
Port Breakout Configuration Guide
How many ports are in each port-group on the S5200 series switches?
Each port-group on the S5200 series switches consists of 4 ports. This grouping allows for efficient management and configuration of the switch ports in sets.
Dell S5200 Series Switches Documentation
Dell Technologies InfoHub
Refer to the exhibit.
The route distinguisher was autogenerated. Which VLAN is mapped to VNI410?
The route distinguisher (RD) in the exhibit is The RD typically reflects the VNI and VLAN mapping configuration. Given that the VNI is 410 and the RD ends with :41, it implies that VLAN 10 is mapped to VNI 410.
Dell Technologies SONiC documentation
VXLAN Configuration Guide
What is ECMP?
ECMP (Equal-Cost Multi-Path) is a Layer 3 routing feature that allows traffic to be forwarded using multiple available paths of equal cost. This improves bandwidth utilization and provides redundancy. ECMP is commonly used in modern networks to optimize the flow of traffic and increase the resiliency of network connections.
Dell Technologies SONiC documentation
ECMP Configuration Guide