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To optimize network performance and reliability, low latency network path for customer traffic, A.R.T.I.E created a modern edge solution. The edge solution helped the organization to analyze and process diverse data and identify related business opportunities. Edge computing also helped them to create and distribute content and determine how the users consume it. But as compute and data creation becomes more decentralized and distributed, A .R.T.I.E. was exposed to various risks and security challenges inevitably became more complex. Unlike the cloud in a data center, it is physically impossible to wall off the edge.
Which type of edge security risk A .R.T.I.E. is primarily exposed?
For the question regarding the type of edge security risk A .R.T.I.E. is primarily exposed to, let's analyze the options:
Data risk: This refers to the risk associated with the storage, processing, and transmission of data. Given that A .R.T.I.E. is a social media company with a platform for sharing content and making in-app purchases, there is a significant amount of data being handled, which could be at risk if not properly secured.
Internet of Things (IoT) risk: This involves risks associated with IoT devices, which may not be applicable in this context as A .R.T.I.E. is described as a social media company rather than one that specializes in IoT devices.
Protection risk: This could refer to the overall security measures in place to protect the company's assets. Since A .R.T.I.E. has moved some applications to the public cloud and operates an internal network accessible via VPN, the protection of these assets is crucial.
Hardware risk: This involves risks related to the physical components of the network. The case study does not provide specific details about hardware vulnerabilities, so this may not be the primary concern.
Considering the case study's focus on data handling, cloud migration, and the need for secure solutions, Data risk seems to be the most relevant edge security risk A .R.T.I.E. is exposed to. The decentralization of compute and data creation, along with the inability to physically secure the edge as one would with a data center, increases the risk to the data being processed and stored at the edge.
Remember, when preparing for assessments like the Dell Security Foundations Achievement, it's important to thoroughly review the study materials provided, understand the key concepts, and apply them to the scenarios presented in the case studies. Good luck with your preparation!
Which framework should be recommended to A .R.T.I.E. to enhance the overall security and resilience of their critical infrastructure, and outline methods to reduce their cybersecurity risk?
Based on the case study provided and the requirements for A .R.T.I.E., the most suitable framework to enhance the overall security and resilience of their critical infrastructure, and to outline methods to reduce their cybersecurity risk would be:
During analysis, the Dell Services team found outdated applications and operating systems with missing security patches. To avert potential cyberattacks, Dell recommends application and operating system hardening measures.
Why is security hardening important for A.R.T.I.E .?
The cybersecurity team must create a resilient security plan to address threats. To accomplish this, the threat intelligence team performed a thorough analysis of the A .R.T.I.E. threat landscape. The result was a list of vulnerabilities such as social engineering, zero-day exploits, ransomware, phishing emails, outsourced infrastructure, and insider threats.
Using the information in the case study and the scenario for this question, which vulnerability type exposes the data and infrastructure of A.R.T.I.E .?
An A .R.T.I.E. employee received an email with an invoice that looks official for $200 for a one-year subscription. It clearly states: "Please do not reply to this email," but provides a Help and Contact button along with a phone number.
What is the type of risk if the employee clicks the Help and Contact button?