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If a RecoverPoint Consistency Group consists of three production volumes and each has two remote copies, how many replication sets will be contained in this group?
Which type of RecoverPoint Consistency Group contains both active and standby production copies?
A MetroPoint Consistency Group is a special type of Consistency Group in Dell RecoverPoint that is designed for environments where high availability and disaster recovery are critical. It includes:
Active Production Copies: These are the primary copies that are actively used in the production environment.
Standby Production Copies: These copies are on standby and can be activated in case the active production copies fail or need to be taken offline for maintenance.
A database team is performing tests against a PIT copy of dat
a. Their write activity is going to exceed the currently allocated amount of space dedicated to Image Access mode.
What should be done to allow testing to continue without disruption to their testing?
When the database team's write activity is expected to exceed the space allocated for Image Access mode in RecoverPoint, additional Journal volumes need to be added to accommodate the increased write activity. This can be done through the Unisphere for RecoverPoint interface:
Navigate to Protection: Access the Protection menu in the Unisphere for RecoverPoint.
Manage Protection: Go to the Manage Protection section.
Select the Consistency Group (CG): Choose the appropriate CG from the list.
Select the Copy: Click on the copy that is being used for the Point-in-Time (PIT) testing.
Edit Journal: Click on the Edit Journal option.
Add Journal Volumes: Add one or more additional Journal volumes to ensure there is enough space for the write activity during the testing periD.
Which parameter is used as the Locking ID for a RecoverPoint/EX license?
What occurs when Journal volumes are masked to hosts in a RecoverPoint environment?
In a Dell RecoverPoint environment, Journal volumes are critical components used to track and manage point-in-time images for data replication and recovery. If Journal volumes are mistakenly masked to hosts, the following occurs:
Hosts Gain Access: The hosts that are zoned/masked to the Journal volumes gain the ability to write to these volumes.
Potential for Corruption: Any write access by hosts to the Journal volumes can lead to corruption of the Journal. This is because Journals are meant to be managed exclusively by RecoverPoint and should not be directly accessed or modified by hosts.
Impact on Replication: Journal corruption can disrupt the RecoverPoint replication process, potentially leading to data loss or an inability to recover to specific points in time.