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While on-site installing a Dell EMC PowerStore T system, the node A embedded module management Ethernet port link LED is off. What does this indicate?
In the case of the Dell EMC PowerStore T system, the embedded module management Ethernet ports are used for network management traffic. It is essential that these ports have an active network connection for the system to be managed remotely. If the link LED is off, the following steps should be taken:
Check the physical connection of the Ethernet cable to ensure it is securely plugged into both the node's port and the corresponding switch or router port.
Verify that the switch or router is powered on and functioning correctly.
Ensure that the correct port on the switch or router is being used and that it is configured correctly for the PowerStore system.
It is important to resolve any network connection issues promptly to maintain the manageability and accessibility of the PowerStore system. Following the official Dell documentation and support resources will help ensure that the system is installed and configured correctly for optimal performance and reliability.
Refer to the Exhibit.
What is the result of the network configuration shown for a Dell EMC PowerStore T node A management port?
The network configuration shown for a Dell EMC PowerStore T node A management port indicates that VLAN 1 is set as the access VLAN, which means it will pass untagged traffic. The port is also configured as a trunk port, which allows it to pass traffic from multiple VLANs, but only VLAN 1501 is specified in the allowed list, meaning it will pass as tagged traffic. This configuration is typical for network interfaces on storage systems where management traffic is separated from other types of traffic for security and performance reasons.
In detail, the configuration commands are:
switchport access vlan 1: Sets VLAN 1 as the access VLAN, which passes untagged traffic.
switchport mode trunk: Enables trunking on the port, allowing it to pass traffic from multiple VLANs.
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1501: Specifies that only VLAN 1501 traffic is allowed on the trunk and will be tagged.
Refer to the exhibit.
Which column indicates the primary appliance?
The 'Service Tag' column represents the unique identifier for each physical appliance, the 'Model' column indicates the specific model of the appliance, and the 'IP Address' column shows the network address assigned to the appliance. While these columns provide important information, they do not indicate the role of the appliance within the cluster.
When planning for a Dell EMC PowerStore T implementation, what is the minimum number of IP addresses required for the storage network?
In summary, for a basic PowerStore T setup, two IP addresses are required for the storage network to accommodate each node within the appliance. However, depending on the specific model and the scale of your implementation, more IP addresses may be recommended to ensure optimal performance and management of the storage network.