Free Databricks Databricks-Machine-Learning-Associate Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Databricks-Machine-Learning-Associate were last updated On Sep 18, 2024

Question No. 1

A data scientist is developing a single-node machine learning model. They have a large number of model configurations to test as a part of their experiment. As a result, the model tuning process takes too long to complete. Which of the following approaches can be used to speed up the model tuning process?

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Correct Answer: D

To speed up the model tuning process when dealing with a large number of model configurations, parallelizing the hyperparameter search using Hyperopt is an effective approach. Hyperopt provides tools like SparkTrials which can run hyperparameter optimization in parallel across a Spark cluster.


from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, SparkTrials search_space = { 'x': hp.uniform('x', 0, 1), 'y': hp.uniform('y', 0, 1) } def objective(params): return params['x'] ** 2 + params['y'] ** 2 spark_trials = SparkTrials(parallelism=4) best = fmin(fn=objective, space=search_space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=100, trials=spark_trials)

Hyperopt Documentation

Question No. 2

A data scientist has developed a machine learning pipeline with a static input data set using Spark ML, but the pipeline is taking too long to process. They increase the number of workers in the cluster to get the pipeline to run more efficiently. They notice that the number of rows in the training set after reconfiguring the cluster is different from the number of rows in the training set prior to reconfiguring the cluster.

Which of the following approaches will guarantee a reproducible training and test set for each model?

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Correct Answer: B

To ensure reproducible training and test sets, writing the split data sets to persistent storage is a reliable approach. This allows you to consistently load the same training and test data for each model run, regardless of cluster reconfiguration or other changes in the environment.

Correct approach:

Split the data.

Write the split data to persistent storage (e.g., HDFS, S3).

Load the data from storage for each model training session.

train_df, test_df = spark_df.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2], seed=42) train_df.write.parquet('path/to/train_df.parquet') test_df.write.parquet('path/to/test_df.parquet') # Later, load the data train_df ='path/to/train_df.parquet') test_df ='path/to/test_df.parquet')

Spark DataFrameWriter Documentation

Question No. 3

A data scientist has produced three new models for a single machine learning problem. In the past, the solution used just one model. All four models have nearly the same prediction latency, but a machine learning engineer suggests that the new solution will be less time efficient during inference.

In which situation will the machine learning engineer be correct?

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Correct Answer: D

If the new solution requires that each of the three models computes a prediction for every record, the time efficiency during inference will be reduced. This is because the inference process now involves running multiple models instead of a single model, thereby increasing the overall computation time for each record.

In scenarios where inference must be done by multiple models for each record, the latency accumulates, making the process less time efficient compared to using a single model.

Model Ensemble Techniques

Question No. 4

The implementation of linear regression in Spark ML first attempts to solve the linear regression problem using matrix decomposition, but this method does not scale well to large datasets with a large number of variables.

Which of the following approaches does Spark ML use to distribute the training of a linear regression model for large data?

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Correct Answer: C

For large datasets, Spark ML uses iterative optimization methods to distribute the training of a linear regression model. Specifically, Spark MLlib employs techniques like Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Limited-memory Broyden--Fletcher--Goldfarb--Shanno (L-BFGS) optimization to iteratively update the model parameters. These methods are well-suited for distributed computing environments because they can handle large-scale data efficiently by processing mini-batches of data and updating the model incrementally.

Databricks documentation on linear regression: Linear Regression in Spark ML

Question No. 5

Which of the following machine learning algorithms typically uses bagging?

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Correct Answer: C

Random Forest is a machine learning algorithm that typically uses bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating). Bagging is a technique that involves training multiple base models (such as decision trees) on different subsets of the data and then combining their predictions to improve overall model performance. Each subset is created by randomly sampling with replacement from the original dataset. The Random Forest algorithm builds multiple decision trees and merges them to get a more accurate and stable prediction.

Databricks documentation on Random Forest: Random Forest in Spark ML