If E1 and E2 are two events, how do you represent the conditional probability given that E2 occurs given that E1 has occurred?
A data scientist is asked to implement an article recommendation feature for an on-line magazine.
The magazine does not want to use client tracking technologies such as cookies or reading history. Therefore, only the style and subject matter of the current article is available for making recommendations. All of the magazine's articles are stored in a database in a format suitable for analytics.
Which method should the data scientist try first?
You are working on a problem where you have to predict whether the claim is done valid or not. And you find that most of the claims which are having spelling errors as well as corrections in the manually filled claim forms compare to the honest claims. Which of the following technique is suitable to find out whether the claim is valid or not?
As a data scientist consultant at ABC Corp, you are working on a recommendation engine for the learning resources for end user. So Which recommender system technique benefits most from additional user preference data?
You are working with the Clustering solution of the customer datasets. There are almost 40 variables are available for each customer and almost 1.00,0000 customer's data is available. You want to reduce the number of variables for clustering, what would you do?