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You are implementing LDAPS Integration for a standard Privilege Cloud environment.
Which information must be provided to the CyberArk Privilege Cloud support team through a Service Request? (Choose 2.)
When implementing LDAPS Integration for a standard Privilege Cloud environment, certain information is crucial and must be provided to the CyberArk Privilege Cloud support team through a Service Request. The necessary details include:
LDAPS certificate chain for all domain controllers to be integrated (Option A): This information is critical to establishing a trusted secure connection between the Privilege Cloud and the domain controllers using LDAP over SSL (LDAPS).
Fully Qualified Domain Name and IP Address of the domain controllers to be integrated (Option D): This information is essential for accurately identifying and configuring the network connections to each domain controller that will be integrated with the Privilege Cloud.
You have been tasked with deploying a Privilege Cloud PSM for SSH connector When the initial installation has successfully completed, you create and permission several maintenance users to be used for administering the connector.
Which configuration file must be updated to define these maintenance users?
Thesshd_configfile is the correct configuration file that must be updated to define maintenance users for administering the Privilege Cloud PSM for SSH connector. This file contains configurations for the SSH daemon, including user permissions and group settings. When adding maintenance users, their user accounts are created on the PSM server, and then they are added to theAllowGroupsparameter within thesshd_configfile to grant them the necessary permissions.
CyberArk documentation on the PSM for SSH environment1.
CyberArk Sentry guide on how to add maintenance users for SSH PSM
When deploying a Privilege Cloud PSM for SSH connector, the configuration file that must be updated to define maintenance users is 'sshd_config'. This file is used to configure options specific to the SSH daemon, which includes user permissions, authentication methods, and other security-related settings. To add and configure maintenance users for the PSM for SSH, you will need to modify this file to specify allowed users and their respective privileges.
What is the correct CyberArk user to use when installing the Privilege Cloud Connector software?
The correct CyberArk user to use when installing the Privilege Cloud Connector software is typically formatted as <subdomain>_admin. This username format indicates a privileged administrative account associated with the specific subdomain of the CyberArk Privilege Cloud installation. It ensures that the user has sufficient permissions to perform installation tasks across the environment, which are crucial for setting up and configuring the connectors correctly. Details about user roles and permissions can be found in the CyberArk Privilege Cloud installation and configuration guide.
What must be done before configuring directory mappings in the CyberArk Privilege Cloud Standard Portal for LDAP integration?
Before configuring directory mappings in the CyberArk Privilege Cloud Standard Portal for LDAP integration, it is crucial to make sure HTTPS (443/tcp) is reachable over the Secure Tunnel. This setup ensures that the secure communication channel between the CyberArk Privilege Cloud and the LDAP server is operational. Secure Tunnel facilitates the encrypted and safe transmission of data, including LDAP queries and responses, essential for successful integration and ongoing operations.
How should you configure PSM for SSH to support load balancing?
To support load balancing for PSM for SSH, the configuration should be done by using a network load balancer. This method involves placing a network load balancer in front of multiple PSM for SSH servers to distribute incoming SSH traffic evenly among them. This setup enhances the availability and scalability of PSM for SSH by ensuring that no single server becomes a bottleneck, thereby improving performance and reliability during high usage scenarios.