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In the Powershell Hunt report, what does the "score" signify?
In the Powershell Hunt report, the score signifies a cumulative score of the various potential command line switches that were used in the PowerShell script execution. The score is based on a weighted system that assigns different values to different switches based on their potential maliciousness or usefulness for threat hunting. For example, -EncodedCommand has a higher value than -NoProfile. The score does not signify the number of hosts that ran the PowerShell script, how recently the PowerShell script executed, or the maliciousness score determined by NGAV.
Refer to Exhibit.
What type of attack would this process tree indicate?
This process tree indicates a phishing attack, as it shows a user opening an email attachment (outlook.exe) that launches a malicious macro (cmd.exe) that downloads and executes a payload (powershell.exe) that connects to a remote server (svchost.exe). A phishing attack is a type of social engineering attack that uses deceptive emails or messages to trick users into opening malicious attachments or links that can compromise their systems or credentials.
You are reviewing a list of domains recently banned by your organization's acceptable use policy. In particular, you are looking for the number of hosts that have visited each domain. Which tool should you use in Falcon?
Bulk Domain Search is the tool that you should use in Falcon to review a list of domains recently banned by your organization's acceptable use policy and look for the number of hosts that have visited each domain. Bulk Domain Search is an Investigate tool that allows you to search for multiple domains at once and view their network connection events across all hosts in your environment. It shows information such as domain name, number of hosts visited, number of detections generated, etc. for each domain. Create a custom alert for each domain, Allowed Domain Summary Report, and IP Addresses Search are not tools that you should use for this purpose.
Which of the following is a suspicious process behavior?
Non-network processes are processes that are not expected to communicate over the network, such as notepad.exe. If they make an outbound network connection, it could indicate that they are compromised or maliciously used by an adversary. PowerShell running an execution policy of RemoteSigned is a default setting that allows local scripts to run without digital signatures. An Internet browser performing multiple DNS requests is a normal behavior for web browsing. PowerShell launching a PowerShell script is also a common behavior for legitimate tasks.
Which tool allows a threat hunter to populate and colorize all known adversary techniques in a single view?
MITRE ATT&CK Navigator is a tool that allows a threat hunter to populate and colorize all known adversary techniques in a single view. It is based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework, which is a knowledge base of adversary behaviors and tactics. The tool enables threat hunters to create custom matrices, layers, annotations, and filters to explore and model specific adversary techniques, with links to intelligence and case studies.