To get acknowledgement of writes to only the leader partition, we need to use the config...
Producers can set acks=1 to get acknowledgement from partition leader only.
You want to sink data from a Kafka topic to S3 using Kafka Connect. There are 10 brokers in the cluster, the topic has 2 partitions with replication factor of 3. How many tasks will you configure for the S3 connector?
You cannot have more sink tasks (= consumers) than the number of partitions, so 2.
How can you gracefully make a Kafka consumer to stop immediately polling data from Kafka and gracefully shut down a consumer application?
A kafka topic has a replication factor of 3 and min.insync.replicas setting of 1. What is the maximum number of brokers that can be down so that a producer with acks=all can still produce to the topic?
Two brokers can go down, and one replica will still be able to receive and serve data
In Avro, adding an element to an enum without a default is a __ schema evolution
Since Confluent 5.4.0, Avro 1.9.1 is used. Since default value was added to enum complex type , the schema resolution changed from:
(<1.9.1) if both are enums:** if the writer's symbol is not present in the reader's enum, then an error is signalled. **(>=1.9.1) if both are enums:
if the writer's symbol is not present in the reader's enum and the reader has a default value, then that value is used, otherwise an error is signalled.