How will you set the retention for the topic named my-topic to 1 hour? can be configured at topic level while creating topic or by altering topic. It shouldn't be set at the broker level ( as this would impact all the topics in the cluster, not just the one we are interested in
In Avro, removing a field that does not have a default is a __ schema evolution
Clients with new schema will be able to read records saved with old schema.
How do you create a topic named test with 3 partitions and 3 replicas using the Kafka CLI?
As of Kafka 2.3, the command can take --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 as an argument. You could also use the (now deprecated) option of --zookeeper localhost:2181.
We have a store selling shoes. What dataset is a great candidate to be modeled as a KTable in Kafka Streams?
Aggregations of stream are stored in table, whereas Streams must be modeled as a KStream to avoid data explosion
To enhance compression, I can increase the chances of batching by using forces the producer to wait before sending messages, hence increasing the chance of creating batches that can be heavily compressed.