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A systems administrator wants to list all local accounts in which the UID is greater than 500. Which of the following commands will give the correct
The correct command to list all local accounts in which the UID is greater than 500 is:
awk -F: '$3 > 500 {print $1}' /etc/passwd
This command uses awk to process the /etc/passwd file, which contains information about the local users on the system. The -F: option specifies that the fields are separated by colons. The $3 refers to the third field, which is the UID. The condition $3 > 500 filters out the users whose UID is greater than 500. The action {print $1} prints the first field, which is the username.
The other commands are incorrect because:
find /etc/passwd ---size +500will search for files that are larger than 500 blocks in size, not users with UID greater than 500.
cut ---d: fl / etc/ passwd > 500will cut the first field of the /etc/passwd file using colon as the delimiter, but it will not filter by UID or print only the usernames. The > 500 part will redirect the output to a file named 500, not compare with the UID.
sed '/UID/' /etc/passwd < 500will use sed to edit the /etc/passwd file and replace any line that contains UID with 500, not list the users with UID greater than 500. The < 500 part will redirect the input from a file named 500, not compare with the UID.
Linux List All Users In The System Command - nixCraft, section ''List all users in Linux using /etc/passwd file''.
Unix script getting users with UID bigger than 500 - Stack Overflow, section ''Using awk''.
After listing the properties of a system account, a systems administrator wants to remove the expiration date of a user account. Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?
The commandchage -E -1 accountnamewill accomplish the task of removing the expiration date of a user account. Thechagecommand is a tool for changing user password aging information on Linux systems. The-Eoption sets the expiration date of the user account, and the-1value means that the account will never expire. The commandchage -E -1 accountnamewill remove the expiration date of the user account named accountname. This is the correct command to use to accomplish the task. The other options are incorrect because they either do not affect the expiration date (chgrp,passwd, orchmod) or do not exist (chmod -G).Reference:CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) Certification Study Guide, Chapter 15: Managing Users and Groups, page 467.
A Linux administrator needs to ensure that Java 7 and Java 8 are both locally available for developers to use when deploying containers. Currently only Java 8 is available. Which of the following commands should the administrator run to ensure both versions are available?
The command that the administrator should run to ensure that both Java 7 and Java 8 are locally available for developers to use when deploying containers is docker image pull java:7. This command will use the docker image pull subcommand to download the java:7 image from Docker Hub, which is the default registry for Docker images. The java:7 image contains Java 7 installed on a Debian-based Linux system. The administrator can also specify a different registry by using the syntax registry/repository:tag.
The other options are not correct commands for ensuring that both Java 7 and Java 8 are locally available for developers to use when deploying containers. The docker image load java:7 command will load an image from a tar archive or STDIN, not from a registry. The docker image import java:7 command will create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball, not from a registry. The docker image build java:7 command will build an image from a Dockerfile, not from a registry.Reference:CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) Certification Study Guide, Chapter 18: Automating Tasks;docker image pull | Docker Docs
The group owner of the / home/ test directory would like to preserve all group permissions on files created in the directory. Which of the following
commands should the group owner execute?
The correct answer is A. chmod g+s /home/test
This command will set the setgid bit on the /home/test directory, which means that any file or subdirectory created in the directory will inherit the group ownership of the directory. This way, the group permissions on files created in the directory will be preserved. The chmod command is used to change the permissions of files and directories. The g+s option is used to set the setgid bit for the group.
The other options are incorrect because:
B . chgrp test /home/test
This command will change the group ownership of the /home/test directory to test, but it will not affect the group ownership of files created in the directory. The chgrp command is used to change the group of files and directories. The test /home/test arguments are used to specify the new group and the target directory.
C . chmod 777 /home/test
This command will give read, write, and execute permissions to everyone (owner, group, and others) on the /home/test directory, but it will not affect the group ownership or permissions of files created in the directory. The chmod command is used to change the permissions of files and directories. The 777 argument is an octal number that represents the permissions in binary form.
D . chown -hR test /home/test
This command will change the owner and group of the /home/test directory and all its contents recursively to test, but it will not preserve the original group permissions on files created in the directory. The chown command is used to change the owner and group of files and directories. The -hR option is used to affect symbolic links and operate on all files and directories recursively. The test /home/test arguments are used to specify the new owner and group and the target directory.
How to Set File Permissions Using chmod
How to Use Chmod Command in Linux with Examples
How to Use Chown Command in Linux with Examples
[How to Use Chgrp Command in Linux with Examples]
Users have been unable to save documents to /home/tmp/temp and have been receiving the following error:
Path not found
A junior technician checks the locations and sees that /home/tmp/tempa was accidentally created instead of /home/tmp/temp. Which of the following commands should the technician use to fix this issue?
The mv /home/tmp/tempa /home/tmp/temp command will fix the issue of the misnamed directory. This command will rename the directory /home/tmp/tempa to /home/tmp/temp, which is the expected path for users to save their documents. The cp /home/tmp/tempa /home/tmp/temp command will not fix the issue, as it will copy the contents of /home/tmp/tempa to a new file named /home/tmp/temp, not a directory. The cd /temp/tmp/tempa command will not fix the issue, as it will change the current working directory to /temp/tmp/tempa, which does not exist. The ls /home/tmp/tempa command will not fix the issue, as it will list the contents of /home/tmp/tempa, not rename it.Reference:CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) Certification Study Guide, Chapter 12: Managing Files and Directories, page 413.