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Which of the following best describes a benefit of the CI/CD process?
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) aim to accelerate software delivery while maintaining high quality through frequent automated testing and deployment. This practice is endorsed by CompTIA Project+ as part of modern project methodologies for improving efficiency and quality.
A project sponsor asked the PM to provide a summary of the current financial status. The PM uses the following burn up chart for the analysis:
Based on the chart, which of the following is the current status of the project?
The project manager can use the burn up chart to analyze the current status of the project based on its scope (value delivered), budget (cost), and schedule (time). A burn up chart is a graphical tool that shows how much work has been completed (burned up) versus how much work remains (scope) over time. It also shows how much budget has been spent (burned up) versus how much budget remains (budget) over time. A burn up chart can help to monitor and control the project progress and performance and identify any variances or deviations from the plan. The chart given shows that both scope and budget lines are above their respective target lines at any given time point. This means that less work has been completed than planned (scope variance) and more money has been spent than planned (budget variance) at any given time point. Therefore, the project is behind schedule and over budget.
A PM is working to establish accepted communication channels and to define access requirements. In which of the following phases is the project?
Defining communication channels and access requirements typically occurs in the planning phase, where detailed plans for project management are established. This aligns with CompTIA Project+ standards for comprehensive project planning.
In a functional organization, a project has been completed successfully. Which of the following actions would the project manager MOST likely perform?
The project manager should notify the functional manager that resources are released after completing a project successfully in a functional organization. A functional organization is a type of organizational structure where employees are grouped by their functions or specialties, such as finance, marketing, or engineering. In a functional organization, the functional manager has more authority and control over the resources than the project manager. Therefore, the project manager should inform the functional manager when the resources are no longer needed for the project and can be reassigned to other tasks or projects.
Which of the following are primary features provided by a standard laaS solution? (Select two).
According to What is Logging as a Service (LaaS)? - LogicMonitor, LaaS is a cloud-based log management platform that simplifies the management of infrastructure and application logs. LaaS offers a central location where you can store, analyze and visualize the content of all your logs. It works by ingesting logs from different sources, such as web servers, IoT devices, database servers and more. It then provides actionable output by organizing and restructuring the information within these logs. Therefore, storage and networking are primary features provided by a standard LaaS solution, as they enable the collection and transmission of logs from various sources to a centralized platform. Encryption, user interface, access, and database are not primary features of LaaS, as they are either optional or secondary aspects of the service.