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Jenny wants to study the academic performance of undergraduate sophomores and wants to determine the average grade point average at different points during an academic year.
What best describes the data set she needs?
Correct answer A. Sample.
Jenny does not have data for the entire population of all undergraduate sophomores. While a specific grade point average is an observation of variable, jenny needs sample data.
Which of following is a non-relational database?
Neo4j is a type of non-relational database that uses a graph model to store data. A graph database is a database that represents data as nodes and edges, where nodes are entities and edges are relationships between them. A graph database can store complex and diverse data that is not easily structured in tables.A graph database can also perform fast and efficient queries on the data by traversing the connections between the nodes
Given the following table:
Which of the following methods is the best way to describe the changes in the values in the table?
A company wants to know how its customers interact with an e-commerce website based on clicks over items. Which of the following is the primary requirement for this report?
Which of the following is an example of structured data?
A credit card number is an example of structured data, which is a type of data that conforms to a data model, has a well-defined structure, follows a consistent order, and can be easily accessed and used by a person or a computer program. A credit card number consists of 16 digits that are divided into four groups of four digits each, separated by spaces or hyphens. The first six digits indicate the issuer identification number, the next nine digits indicate the account number, and the last digit is a check digit that validates the number.A credit card number can be stored and processed in a structured format, such as a database or a spreadsheet1.