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A DevOps team has deployed databases, event-driven services, and an API gateway as PaaS solution that will support a new billing system. Which of the following security responsibilities will the DevOps team need to perform?
A company that all mobile devices be encrypted, commensurate with the full disk encryption scheme of assets, such as workstation, servers, and laptops. Which of the following will MOST likely be a limiting factor when selecting mobile device managers for the company?
The inability to select AES-256 encryption will most likely be a limiting factor when selecting mobile device managers for the company. AES-256 is a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses a 256-bit key to encrypt and decrypt data. It is considered one of the strongest encryption methods available and is widely used for securing sensitive data. Mobile device managers are software applications that allow administrators to remotely manage and secure mobile devices used by employees. However, not all mobile device managers may support AES-256 encryption or allow the company to enforce it as a policy on all mobile devices. Verified Reference: ,
An organization recently experienced a ransomware attack. The security team leader is concerned about the attack reoccurring. However, no further security measures have been implemented.
Which of the following processes can be used to identify potential prevention recommendations?
Preparation is the process that can be used to identify potential prevention recommendations after a security incident, such as a ransomware attack. Preparation involves planning and implementing security measures to prevent or mitigate future incidents, such as by updating policies, procedures, or controls, conducting training or awareness campaigns, or acquiring new tools or resources. Detection is the process of discovering or identifying security incidents, not preventing them. Remediation is the process of containing or resolving security incidents, not preventing them. Recovery is the process of restoring normal operations after security incidents, not preventing them. Verified Reference:
An attacker infiltrated an electricity-generation site and disabled the safety instrumented system. Ransomware was also deployed on the engineering workstation. The environment has back-to-back firewalls separating the corporate and OT systems. Which of the following is the MOST likely security consequence of this attack?
A company is developing a new service product offering that will involve the storage of personal health information. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is researching the relevant compliance regulations. Which of the following best describes the CISO's action?
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Due diligence involves researching and understanding regulatory requirements (e.g., HIPAA) to ensure compliance for handling sensitive data like personal health information.
Data retention refers to how long data is stored, not compliance research.
Data classification organizes data by sensitivity but is not specific to compliance research.
Reference frameworks provide guidelines for implementation but are not directly about research.
CompTIA CASP+ Exam Objective 1.1: Analyze business and compliance requirements.
CASP+ Study Guide, 5th Edition, Chapter 2, Legal and Regulatory Compliance.