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Problem Scenario 26 : You need to implement near real time solutions for collecting information when submitted in file with below information. You have been given below directory location (if not available than create it) /tmp/nrtcontent. Assume your departments upstream service is continuously committing data in this directory as a new file (not stream of data, because it is near real time solution). As soon as file committedin this directory that needs to be available in hdfs in /tmp/flume location
echo "I am preparing for CCA175 from" > /tmp/nrtcontent/.he1.txt
mv /tmp/nrtcontent/.he1.txt /tmp/nrtcontent/he1.txt
After few mins
echo "I am preparing for CCA175 from" > /tmp/nrtcontent/.qt1.txt
mv /tmp/nrtcontent/.qt1.txt /tmp/nrtcontent/qt1.txt
Write a flume configuration file named flumes.conf and use it to load data in hdfs with following additional properties.
1. Spool /tmp/nrtcontent
2. File prefix in hdfs sholuld be events
3. File suffix should be Jog
4. If file is not commited and in use than it should have as prefix.
5. Data should be written as text to hdfs
Problem Scenario 11 : You have been given following mysql database details as well as other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Import departments table in a directory called departments.
2. Once import is done, please insert following 5 records in departments mysql table.
Insert into departments(10, physics);
Insert into departments(11, Chemistry);
Insert into departments(12, Maths);
Insert into departments(13, Science);
Insert into departments(14, Engineering);
3. Now import only new inserted records and append to existring directory . which has been created in first step.
Problem Scenario 13 : You have been given following mysql database details as well as other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Create a table in retailedb with following definition.
CREATE table departments_export (department_id int(11), department_name varchar(45), created_date T1MESTAMP DEFAULT NOWQ);
2. Now import the data from following directory into departments_export table, /user/cloudera/departments new
Problem Scenario 38 : You have been given an RDD as below,
val rdd: RDD[Array[Byte]]
Now you have to save this RDD as a SequenceFile. And below is the code snippet.
import => (A.get(), new B(bytesArray))).saveAsSequenceFile('7output/path",classOt[GzipCodec])
What would be the correct replacement for A and B in above snippet.
Problem Scenario 7 : You have been given following mysql database details as well as other info.
jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db
Please accomplish following.
1. Import department tables using your custom boundary query, which import departments between 1 to 25.
2. Also make sure each tables file is partitioned in 2 files e.g. part-00000, part-00002
3. Also make sure you have imported only two columns from table, which are department_id,department_name