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Bill owns a small, local video production company. His current customer base consists mostly of local musicians looking for live concert music videos and small start-up businesses in need of social media video advertising. His goal is to increase his bookings. When he creates a social media posting, which of the following messages would be an effective call to action?
For Bill's video production company, an effective call to action (CTA) should be clear, actionable, and provide an immediate benefit. 'Schedule a video shoot today, to receive a 10% discount' meets these criteria by prompting potential clients to take immediate action and offering a tangible incentive. This type of CTA can directly lead to increased bookings. The other options, while useful for engagement, do not offer the same direct incentive or clarity in driving immediate business actions. A strong CTA is essential for converting social media interest into actual business transactions.
A company has determined that their typical customer hears about their products from their social media network. Then visits the company Web site and then makes a purchase. What type of conversion attribute model is this?
The 'last social touch' conversion attribution model assigns all credit for a conversion to the last social media interaction before a customer makes a purchase. In the scenario described, the typical customer journey involves hearing about the product on social media, visiting the company website, and then making a purchase. This model acknowledges the crucial role of the final social media touchpoint in driving conversions, emphasizing the importance of social media in the decision-making process and helping businesses understand the effectiveness of their social media strategies.
HubSpot: 'What Is Marketing Attribution and How Do You Report on It?'
Sprout Social: 'Understanding Social Media Attribution and Its Models'
Matthew and Ashely are trying to decide whether their company would benefit from having an instagram account. What is some of the demographic information they must consider in order to make this decision?
When deciding whether to establish an Instagram account for their company, Matthew and Ashley should consider demographic information such as the age, income, and gender of their customers. Instagram's user base is primarily composed of younger individuals, with a significant percentage of users aged 18-34. Understanding the income levels and gender distribution of their target audience can help them tailor their content and advertising strategy effectively. For instance, if their primary customers are younger and active on Instagram, this platform could be beneficial for reaching and engaging with them.
Allan works for an event planning company and is creating a curated content article about the ten best games for breaking the ice at parties. He has found articles on the Internet, describing various games, which he wants to incorporate into his own content Which of the following is a best practice for using curated content ethically?
The best practice for using curated content ethically involves creating a new title, linking to the original sources, and adding personal editorial comments. This approach is ethical because:
Attribution: Properly attributing sources by providing links to the original articles respects the intellectual property of the original authors.
Added Value: By adding personal editorial comments, you provide additional value to the content, which helps distinguish it from merely copied material.
Copyright Compliance: Using a new title and snippets, while providing links to the full articles, ensures compliance with copyright laws by not using the full text without permission.
Content curation best practices emphasize proper attribution and adding value through commentary (Content Marketing Institute).
The author, graphic designer and publisher of a series of graphic novels will be making appearances to sign their work at a major fan conference What would be the best strategy to attract the largest number of customers to the signing?
Scheduling an event on Facebook is the best strategy to attract the largest number of customers to the book signing. Facebook events are highly visible, can be easily shared, and provide a platform for interaction and engagement. Attendees can indicate their interest, share the event with friends, and receive reminders, ensuring higher attendance. Sharing videos on YouTube, updating LinkedIn bios, and posting images on Pinterest are useful for general promotion, but Facebook events specifically drive attendance and engagement for specific occasions.