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Scenario: A Citrix Engineer creates a Responder policy to redirect users attempting to access an application protected with Citrix Web App Firewall. Instead of being redirected, users are seeing an 'Access Denied' page.
This is happening because Citrix Web App Firewall is processed . (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer implements Application-level Quality of Experience (AppQoE) to protect a web application. The engineer configures the AppQoE action to deliver a custom response from a backup server once the maximum number of concurrent connection is reached.
To achieve this, the engineer should set the Acton Type to________and specify the_______. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer wants to protect a web application using Citrix Web App Firewall. After the Web App Firewall policy is bound to the virtual server, the engineer notices that Citrix Web App Firewall is NOT blocking bad requests from clients. Which tool can help the engineer view the traffic that is passing to and from the client?
A Citrix Engineer needs to set up access to an internal application for external partners.
Which two entities must the engineer configure on the Citrix ADC to support this? (Choose two.)
ADC as a SAML SP (Service Provider) that redirects the requests from external users to an SAML IDP to do authentication prior to authorizing them applying the internal services
A Citrix Engineer is reviewing the log files for a sensitive web application and notices that someone accessed the application using the engineer's credentials while the engineer was out of the office for an extended period of time.
Which production can the engineer implement to protect against this vulnerability?