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Which tool should a Citrix Engineer use to change the priority of an application layer to meet business requirements?
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer is maintaining a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment and has deployed Workspace Environment Management (WEM) within the infrastructure to provide resources to users in their sessions. The engineer initially deployed a Network Printer and it is working correctly for all users in their sessions. Recently, the engineer added a second resource, a Network Share Drive, and users are reporting that it is never available in their sessions.
The engineer verified the Action for this Network Share Drive to ensure it is correctly configured, and the required Conditions are listed under the WEM Filters node. The Everyone group has already been added to the Assignments node within the WEM console.
What should the engineer enable from the Advanced Settings node to correct this issue?
After a Citrix Engineer configured FAS and SAML in a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site, the Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) machine requests the ________ from ________ in order to complete the VDA Windows logon process.
The VDA requests the user's certificate from FAS so it can complete the VDA Windows logon process.
Which three layers can a Citrix Engineer include in an image template? (Choose three.)