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Scenario: A Citrix Administrator needs to grant permissions to a contractor to manage an inventory application in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service managed in Citrix Cloud. The administrator needs to minimize the access granted to the contractor to only administer the inventory application.
Which two permissions will the administrator need to grant to the contractor? (Choose two.)
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator will use PowerShell to configure a new restart schedule for the Windows 2016 Server OS group named ''Win2016-ServerOS'' within a Citrix Virtual Desktops infrastructure.
The administrator needs the machines in the Server OS group to restart at a time when no users will be accessing them: beginning at 23:00h (11:00 PM) each day, with 30-minute intervals between each machine restart.
Which PowerShell command should the administrator use?
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator has received complaints from published application users. They report that it takes a long time to relaunch an application after they close it by mistake.
The administrator needs a solution that will reduce application launch times in these situations.
Which feature should the administrator enable?
Application Lingering allows applications to stay open for a configurable amount of time after a user closes them, which can reduce application launch times in subsequent sessions.
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator is configuring the Citrix Workspace app to allow users to access their applications and desktops. Users should NOT be able to migrate their application sessions between devices throughout the work day.
The administrator needs to modify the Citrix Workspace Control settings ________ to prevent users from migrating their sessions between devices. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)