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What are the buying models for Meetings in the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan?
The Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan provides three main buying models for Webex Meetings:
Enterprise Agreement: This model allows organizations to cover all users with a single agreement, simplifying management and ensuring predictable costs.
Active User: In this model, charges are based on the number of active users per month, which is beneficial for organizations with fluctuating usage patterns.
Named User: This model is suitable for organizations that want to purchase licenses for specific individuals who will use Webex Meetings regularly.
These flexible purchasing options enable organizations to choose the model that best aligns with their usage patterns, budget, and collaboration needs.
A partner is working with a customer who needs a Hunt Group and has assigned the feature to the customer site. What is the next step to configure this site feature?
After assigning the Hunt Group feature to a customer site in Webex Calling, the next step is to assign a pilot number. The pilot number acts as the entry point for incoming calls to the Hunt Group, allowing the system to distribute these calls according to the Hunt Group settings, such as the specific sequence or pattern in which the calls are delivered to the designated users.
Cisco Reference
Webex Calling configuration guidelines provide details on setting up Hunt Groups, including the assignment of pilot numbers.
How is Cisco Software Support (SWSS) basic available?
Cisco Software Support Service (SWSS) Basic is a foundational support option that provides access to software updates and technical support for Cisco products. SWSS Basic is included in all Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan subscriptions. This means that any customer who subscribes to the Flex Plan automatically receives basic software support services, which include software updates, upgrades, and access to Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
Cisco Reference
Detailed information can be found in Cisco's subscription and software support documentation that covers the Flex Plan inclusions.
What are two features of the Webex Calling Voice Portal? (Choose two.)
The Webex Calling Voice Portal provides several key functionalities for managing voice communications within the Webex Calling system. The two features relevant to this question are:
Voicemail Access (Option A): The Voice Portal in Webex Calling allows users to access their voicemail. This feature enables users to listen to their voicemails, change their voicemail PIN, and manage voicemail settings. This is a core function of the Webex Calling Voice Portal, ensuring users can maintain and retrieve messages easily.
Auto Attendant Greeting Recording (Option E): Another key feature of the Webex Calling Voice Portal is the ability to manage auto attendants, including recording greetings for them. Auto attendants serve as virtual receptionists that provide callers with a menu of options to direct their call appropriately. The Voice Portal allows administrators or authorized users to record and update these greetings directly through the system.
Cisco Reference
Refer to the 'WebEx-Calling.pdf' document, which covers the details of the voice portal functionalities including voicemail management and auto attendant settings.
Which LGW type is needed to enable TDM connectivity?
To enable TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) connectivity in a Webex Calling environment, the IOS Gateway type is required. An IOS Gateway is a Cisco router that can handle traditional TDM connections and convert them into IP for integration with modern VoIP systems. It supports various interfaces, such as E1/T1, to connect legacy TDM-based PBXs or other telephony equipment to the IP network.
Cisco Reference
Cisco's documentation on Local Gateway (LGW) types and TDM connectivity requirements highlights the use of an IOS Gateway for such purposes.