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Which partition level settings are needed to configure email?
Default SMTP server settings, Alarm service delay, and Auto response number. The Default SMTP server settings are used to configure the server that will be used to send and receive emails. The Alarm service delay controls the amount of time before an alert is triggered when a customer does not respond to a ticket. The Auto response number is used to set the maximum number of times an auto-response will be sent for each ticket.
Which product allows wait messages to be displayed with dynamic text to customers while chat and call requests are processed?
Dynamic Expected Wait Time Variable is a product that allows wait messages to be displayed with dynamic text to customers while chat and call requests are processed. It allows for the display of expected wait times, wait position, and wait time updates based on the current call volume. This helps to provide customers with a better experience by keeping them informed of their wait times and wait position.
What are three report categories and templates included for ECE reporting? (Choose three.)
These are three report categories and templates included for ECE reporting.
Supervisor Status: Reports that provide information about supervisor status, such as the status of supervisors and their teams.
Service Level Agreement: Reports that provide information about service level agreements, such as the percentage of interactions that meet or exceed service level targets.
Agent performance: Reports that provide information about agent performance, such as the number of interactions handled by each agent and the average handle time for each agent. Reference:
Which server on WXM communicates with ECE, and what TCP port is used for the HTTPS connections with cloud connect services?
The Web server on the WXM (Web Experience Manager) platform is responsible for communicating with Enterprise Chat and Email (ECE) and uses TCP port 8443 for HTTPS connections with cloud connect services. This port is the relevant port for ECE communication and must be open on the firewall for ECE to function correctly.
In WXM (Webex Experience Management), the web server communicates with ECE (Enterprise Chat and Email) and the HTTPS connections with cloud connect services are made using TCP port 8443.
The Web server is responsible for handling the incoming web traffic, such as customer chat and email requests, and forwarding them to the appropriate ECE workflow.
TCP port 8443 is a commonly used port for HTTPS connections and is the default port for HTTPS traffic. This port is used for secure communication between the WXM web server and ECE, and other cloud connect services.