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Which tool manages IIS certificates on the CCE servers?
This tool is used to create, import, and export certificates for use with IIS. It can also be used to view the certificate request, as well as to modify the certificate's friendly name and store name. This can be useful for managing IIS certificates on the CCE servers.
To which Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration object should the call be transferred to maintain end-to-end reporting context when an agent transfers a call to another ICM Skill Group?
A CTI route point is a configuration object in Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) that enables end-to-end reporting and tracking of call transfers. When an agent transfers a call to another ICM Skill Group, it should be transferred to a CTI route point in order to maintain the end-to-end reporting context. Route patterns and translation patterns are used to route calls in CUCM, while an agent IP phone is the physical device used by an agent to access the ICM Skill Group.
What are two considerations for PCCE 2K installation? (Choose two.)
Two considerations for PCCE 2K installation are to run Domain Manager tool, add root, facility, and instance, and to ensure that ICM/CCE software is installed on all ICM/CCE servers. The Domain Manager tool allows the administrator to define the domain structure for PCCE and add root, facility, and instance objects. Additionally, Websetup should be run after installing the software to configure the ICM/CCE environment. Adding PGs via PG Setup should only be done after installing the software, and it is not necessary to add Router Logger after installation.
What are two considerations for Active Directory (AD)? (Choose two.)
Two considerations for Active Directory (AD) are that Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODC) are supported and that it supports multi-domain, single AD Forest topology. RODC are used to provide secure access to AD data in remote locations, and the multi-domain, single AD Forest topology allows multiple domains to be managed from a single AD forest. Additionally, global catalogs are required at each AD site to enable efficient searches across the entire AD forest. AD does not provide a user interface, but Remote Access Control is available for software that is used to manage and administer the AD environment.
Which core components are required for calls that originate from Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Cisco Unified CVP using Comprehensive mode when using microapps?
For calls that originate from Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) to Cisco Unified CVP using Comprehensive mode when using microapps, core components that are required include a CUCM CTI Route Point and SIP Trunk, an ICM CVP Type 2 VRU, Network VRU labels, and a VXML Gateway. CVP Type 10 VRUs are not required for such calls.