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Refer to the exihibit.
Refer to the exhibit. The operations team is implementing an LDP-based configuration in the service-provider core network with these requirements:
RC must establish LDP peering with the loopback IP address as its Router ID
RA must establish LDP peering with RB. RC, and RY.
How must the team update the network configuration to successfully enable LDP peering between RA and RC?
To establish LDP peering with the loopback IP address as its Router ID, both RA and RC need to configure their LDP router IDs to use their respective loopback addresses. This is done by applying the 'mpls ldp router-id loopback0' command on both routers. This configuration ensures that LDP peering uses the loopback addresses, which is a requirement for the service-provider core network.
Refer to the exihibit.
Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer is configuring an SNMP community on router RB with these requirements:
Allow read-only access for all objects to members of Access-List 10 that use the comaccess community string.
Other SNMP managers must not have access to objects.
SNMP authentication failure traps must be sent to SNMPv2c and then to the host using SNMPv2c with the public community string.
Which configuration meets these requirements?
Option B is the correct answer because it meets all the given requirements. The configuration ''snmp-server community comaccess ro 10'' allows read-only access for all objects to members of Access-List 10 that use the comaccess community string. The ''snmp-server host informs version 2c public'' command ensures SNMP authentication failure traps are sent to SNMPv2c and then to the host using SNMPv2c with the public community string.
Refer to the exhibit.
If RC is a stub router, which entry must be injected so that it will send traffic outside the OSPF domain?
If RC is a stub router in an OSPF network, it requires a default route to be injected so that it can send traffic outside the OSPF domain. In OSPF, stub routers do not have any routes external to the OSPF domain in their routing tables. To allow these routers to reach networks outside of their OSPF domain, a default route should be injected into the stub area by the Area Border Router (ABR). This allows all routers in the stub area, including RC, to forward traffic for unknown destinations to the ABR, which then forwards it appropriately.Reference: Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies source documents or study guide
Refer to the exhibit.
Which show command should be implemented to display per-interface statistics about uRPF drops and suppressed drops?
The ''show cef interface'' command is used to display per-interface statistics about Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) drops and suppressed drops. uRPF is a feature that helps to mitigate problems caused by IP address spoofing, and the ''show cef interface'' command provides detailed information on the interfaces where uRPF is applied, including drop statistics.