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An engineer must configure a secure SIP trunk with a remote provider, with a specific requirement to use port
5065 for inbound and otubound traffic. Which two items must be configured to complete this configuration? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit.
Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is troubleshooting an issue where inbound Calls are failing after they transferred. The provider reports that update is not supported, and this is causing the calls to fail. Which command should resolve this issue?
Refer to the exhibit.
An administrator just Implemented SIP trunking on their Cisco UCM and reports that calls using the SIP trunk are using Media Termination Point resources unnecessarily. Which action resolves the issue?
An administrator troubleshoots call failure in a new deployment and finds that the SIP INVITE messages sent to the service provider contain a diversion header with the user's 4-digit directory number. These 4-digit directory numbers range from 1000 to 9999. The service provider is rejecting the calls because it requires that the diversion header contain 10 digits. Which command on the Cisco Unified Border Element resolves this issue for all users?
Refer to the exhibit.
An administrator received reports that users do not hear a ringback when they dial specific external numbers. For example, the Cisco Unified Border Element receives a delayed offer invite from Cisco UCM and responds with the 183 session progress in the exhibit. Assume that the PSTN is responsible for generating ringback in these problematic scenarios. Which action resolves the issue?