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An analyst received a ticket regarding a degraded processing capability for one of the HR department's servers. On the same day, an engineer noticed a disabled antivirus software and was not able to determine when or why it occurred. According to the NIST Incident Handling Guide, what is the next phase of this investigation?
According to the NIST Incident Handling Guide, the analysis phase is the next phase of this investigation. The analysis phase involves examining the evidence and determining the impact, scope, and cause of the incident. The analyst should also identify the attacker's methods, tools, and objectives, as well as any indicators of compromise or malicious activity. The analysis phase may also involve collecting additional data, such as logs, network traffic, or malware samples, to support the investigation. The analysis phase is crucial for developing an effective response and recovery strategy, as well as preventing or mitigating future incidents.Reference:
NIST Special Publication 800-61 Revision 2, Computer Security Incident Handling Guide, Section 3.2.4, Analysis (
Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals (CBROPS) v1.0, Module 5: Security Incident Response, Lesson 5.2: Incident Response Process, Topic 5.2.3: Analysis Phase (
What is the practice of giving an employee access to only the resources needed to accomplish their job?
An organization has recently adjusted its security stance in response to online threats made by a known hacktivist group.
What is the initial event called in the NIST SP800-61?
A threat actor penetrated an organization's network. Using the 5-tuple approach, which data points should the analyst use to isolate the compromised host in a grouped set of logs?
Which security model assumes an attacker within and outside of the network and enforces strict verification before connecting to any system or resource within the organization?
The Zero Trust security model operates on the principle that no one is trusted by default from inside or outside the network, and verification is required from everyone trying to gain access to resources on the network. It emphasizes continuous monitoring, validation, and least-privilege access to minimize exposure to sensitive parts of the network.