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How can a buyer monitor a supplier's ethical workforce standards throughout a long-term contract?
Conducting periodic audits by third-party specialists is a reliable way to monitor compliance with ethical standards, as these audits provide an objective assessment. This aligns with ethical sourcing practices, as it promotes accountability and ensures continuous adherence to agreed-upon standards.
When sourcing an item of strategic importance and high value in the public sector, is it important to advertise this publicly?
The correct answer is 'yes- the public sector should advertise as a call for competition'. They do this in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). Public Sector has to be transparent about everything and treat all suppliers equally. So they can't just approach the ones they like.
In the study guide it says OIEU and this is a typo. It's OJEU.
What is The OJEU in 2 minutes or less (
ABC Ltd works with supplier XYZ Ltd who uses a variety of subcontractors. ABC has recently learned of an ethical breach being committed by one of XYZ's subcontractors. What should ABC do?
ABC should do a 'root cause analysis' to find out where the issue has come about, and why. From there, once they know what the breach is and how serious it is, they can suggest corrective action.
They can't jump straight to terminating the contract or seeking damages as it's not the supplier itself but rather the subcontractor. Also that would be really hasty considering we don't know what the issue is and what the market conditions are like. That supplier may be the only one who can provide the product. We also don't know if the supplier knows about the issue themselves.
A company has a requirement for an item that has been identified as strategic on the positioning model. The company needs to invite competitive tenders and ensure the selected supplier of this item is in a good financial position. What should the company ask the suppliers to send to show that their current assets cover their current liabilities?
The acid test (quick ratio) is an effective measure of a supplier's ability to meet short-term liabilities, providing insights into financial stability. This aligns with responsible sourcing by ensuring the supplier is financially capable of fulfilling a strategic contract.
Why would you use a credit score to appraise a supplier?
A credit rating generates a score which reflects 'the level of risk an organisation poses when dealing with other businesses'. It's saying how risky it is to loan them money or do business with them by looking at how good they are at paying people. So a high credit rating will say they're good at paying back their loans and paying their suppliers on time. A poor credit rating will say they often miss payments or pay late.
A credit rating will not tell you how much money they have, or details on their prices. Credit scores looks at purely financial data so wouldn't help you analyse whether their business practices are ethical or not.